Mossakowski, ‘Raphael’s Santa Cecilia: an iconographical study’
Raphael’s St Cecilia Mossakowski
Raphael’s St Cecilia Mossakowski
Please see the abstract below for a recent paper by Charles T. Wolfe which deals with embodied empiricism other other concepts in relation to the Soul. (Provided courtesy of Torrance Kirby) The Material Soul: Strategies for Naturalizing the Soul in an Early Modern Epicurean Context Charles T. Wolfe Abstract: […]
Hi everyone, This is a brief and tentative annotated bibliography of sources for early modern texts in Spanish in OCR formats. I’m working towards a broad compilation of texts, with a focus on those which might be relevant to “cities as theaters of conversion.” There are few specialized host sites, […]
Excerpts from Plotinus, Corpus Hermeticum, Ficino, and Bruno These are the so-called ‘god-making’ passages from ancient and Renaissance authors. More soon…