GROUP A — Mapping Horizons

Early modern conversions: Examples of comparable projects

—There are a number of projects using textual analysis and large-scale datasets to visualize the socio-spatial development and distribution of intellectual and personal networks, and map social and institutional change linked to those networks. This post provides links to some examples. Larger scale projects, such as the Darwin correspondence project […]

New Readings

Welcome to new members of Mapping Horizons! Please contact me by email ( so that I can add you to the dropbox folder. In the folder you will find a bibliography and readings that will be updated and supplemented during our work. Together, we are creating three working bibliographies: Theoretical readings, Members work-in-progress, Historical […]

discussion of readings

Dear all, I see that our deadline for action was October 1, and thus I’m writing to ask you to send me two readings each: My two readings are: Tim Ingold, Lines: a brief history.   And my chapter on human and animal conversion (to be posted at the […]