Digital Humanities March 24 2014

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The meeting was a success! Listen to the proceedings in parts one through three below:


The Digital Humanities (DH) contingent of the early modern conversions project is beginning to grapple (in a good way) with visualization interfaces as a way of exploring and understanding our subject. For the DH week, I’d propose that we adopt a three-pronged strategy:

1) What is visualization for the humanities? This is not about studying visual culture, but rather about visual information design and interactivity. In a world dominated by scientific visualization, we need to reflect on our relationship with data and our interpretive practices in a visual context.

Strongly recommended: Johanna Drucker “Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display”

Additional reading:  Sinclair & Co. “Information Visualization for Humanities Scholars”

2) What are some examples of geo-spatial-temporal visualizations that might guide our own efforts?

Strongly recommended: Mapping the Republic of Letters, and in particular, explore the interactive visualization at and some of the case studies at

3) What can we do, given our strengths and available resources? I will describe and present some of the preliminary work that has been done to prepare work on mapping Lima as a theatre of conversion.
