Bibliography of EMC Member Publications


Bryson, James. The Christian Platonism of Thomas Jackson. Leuven: Peeters, 2016. 

Ditchfield, Simon and Helen Smith (eds). Conversions: Gender and Religious Change in Early Modern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press [submitted to press] [includes chapter from Smith: ‘“The needle may convert more than the pen”: Women and the Work of Conversion in Early Modern England’]

Duchesneau, François and Justin E. H. Smith (eds. and trans.), The Leibniz-Stahl Controversy, a critical bilingual edition of Georg Ernst Stahl’s Negotium Otiosum, seu Skiamachia, Halle, 1720, Yale Leibniz Series, Yale University Press, 2016.

Fancy, Hussein. The Mercenary Mediterranean: Sovereignty, Religion, and Violence in the Medieval Crown of Aragon. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016.

Hedley, Douglas. The Iconic Imagination. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

Johnson, Laurie, John Sutton, & Evelyn B. Tribble (eds). Embodied Cognition and Shakespeare’s Theatre: The Early Modern Body-Mind. London: Routledge, 2014.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón and Stephen Wittek, eds. Performing Conversion: Urbanism, Theatre, and the Transformation of the Early Modern World. Work in progress.

Killeen, Kevin, Helen Smith, & Rachel Willie (eds). The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, c. 1530-1700. Oxford: Oxford University Press, August 2015. [includes chapter from Smith: ‘“Wilt thou not read me, Atheist?” Conversion and the Bible, pp. 350-64]

Kirby, Torrance (ed). Paul’s Cross Sermons, 1521-1642. Gen. ed. Torrance Kirby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming summer 2017.

Kirby, Torrance (ed). From Rome to Zurich: between Ignatius and Vermigli: Essays in Honour of John Patrick Donnelly, SJ. Edited by Kathleen Comerford, Gary Jenkins, and Torrance Kirby. Boston & Leiden: Brill, 2017.

Kirby, Torrance (ed). Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirchen. Band 3/2: Union, konsequente Reformation, Lehrentscheidungen 1605-1675, 2 Teil, 1647-1675. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2016. Jointly edited with Emidio Campi (University of Zurich).

Kirby, Torrance (ed). “Reformation Debates over the Lord’s Supper (1536–1560): Sources and Impact of the Consensus Tigurinus.” Special issue of Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), with Emidio Campi.

Kirby, Torrance. Paul’s Cross Sermons, 1521-1642. Gen. ed. Torrance Kirby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2016. [in press]

Kirby, Torrance and P. G. Stanwood, eds. Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in England, 1520‒1640. Leiden and Boston: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2014. [Proceedings of an international conference hosted by the Centre for Research on Religion at McGill in August 2012.]

Marshall, Peter. (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of the Reformation. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation. Yale University Press: forthcoming.

Mullaney, Steven. The Reformation of Emotions in the Age of Shakespeare. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

Rubright, Marjorie, Scott Schofield, Peter Blayney, and Alan Galey, Co-Authors. So Long Lives This’: Celebrating Shakespeare’s Life and Works, 1616-2016. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 2016. Winner of the 2017 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Award.

Schmidt, Benjamin. Inventing Exoticism:  Geography, Globalism, and Europe’s Early Modern World. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.

Smith, Helen, Kevin Killeen and Rachel Willie (eds). The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, c. 1530-1700. Oxford University Press, 2015; Oxford Scholarship Online, November 2015, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199686971.001.0001).

Smith, Justin E. H. Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference: Race in Early Modern Philosophy, Princeton University Press, 2015. Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Revues.

Smith, Justin E. H. The Philosopher: A History in Six Types, Princeton University Press, 2016. Italian translation to appear from Einaudi, 2018; Chinese translation to appear from Xinhua Publishing House, 2018. Reviews in the Times Literary Supplement.

Smith, Justin and Lo Presti (eds.), Human and Animal Perception in the 17th and 18th Centuries, University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming, 2016.

Traub, Valerie. Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment. Oxford University Press, August 2016.

Traub, Valerie. Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.

Vanhaelen, Angela. The Wake of Iconoclasm: Painting the Church in the Dutch Republic. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012.

Vanhaelen, Angela and Bronwen Wilson (eds.). The Erotics of Looking: Early Modern Netherlandish Art. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

Vanhaelen, Angela and Joseph P. Ward (eds.). Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe: Performance, Geography, Privacy. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.

Wittek, Stephen. The Media Players: Shakespeare, Middleton, Jonson, and the Idea of News. University of Michigan Press, 2015.

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Antila, Christopher and Julie Cumming. “The VIS Framework: Analyzing Counterpoint in Large Datasets.” 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2014 (ISMIR 2014): 71-76.

Arvas, Abdulhamit. “Queers In-between: Globalizing Sexualities, Local Resistances.” The Postcolonial World. Eds. Jyotsna Singh and David D. Kim. New York and London: Routledge, 2015.

Arvas, Abdulhamit and Jyotsna Singh. “Global Shakespeares, Affective Histories, Cultural Memories.” Shakespeare Survey 68. 2015: 183-196.

Arvas, Abdulhamit. “Ecoerotic Imaginations in Early Modernity: An Eco-Queer Reading of Margaret Cavendish.” New international Voices in Ecocriticism. Ed. Serpil Oppermann. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014, 147-158.

Arvas, Abdulhamit. “From The Pervert Back to The Beloved: Homosexuality and Ottoman Literary History, 1453-1923.” Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature. Eds. Ellen McCallum and Mikko Tuhkanen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 145-63.

Bietti, Lucas M. and John Sutton. “Multiple timescales of joint remembering in the crafting of a memory-scaffolding tool during collaborative design”. Proceedings of EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science. Eds G. Airenti, B.G. Bara, & G. Sandini, pp. 60-65.

Bietti, Lucas M. and John Sutton. “Interacting to remember at multiple timescales: coordination, collaboration, cooperation and culture in joint remembering”, Interaction Studies 16 (3) (2015), 419-450.

Burke, Juan Luis. “Vitruvius in New Spain: Classical Architectural Theory as Colonial Conversion Machinery in Early Modern Mexico”, accepted for publication in Conversion Machines in Early Modern Europe: Apparatus, Artifice, Body. Eds. Paul Yachnin and Bronwen Wilson. University of Edinburgh Press. Forthcoming 2018.

Burke, Juan Luis. “The Via Crucis of Puebla: The Ritual Architecture of an Imagined Jerusalem in New Spain”, accepted for publication in Inside the Ritual: Approaches, Practices and Representations in the Arts. Conference Proceedings. Press TBA. Forthcoming 2017.

Burke, Juan Luis (2015). “El Vitruvio Palafoxiano.” In 369 Aniversario de la Biblioteca Palafoxiana, first edition. Puebla, Mexico: UDLAP, 2015.

Burton, Simon J. G. “Contested Legacies of the Late Middle Ages: Reason, Mystery and Participation in Jan Amos Comenius and Richard Baxter,” Acta Comeniana (submitted for publication).

Canavan, Claire and Helen Smith. ‘’The needle may convert more than the pen’: Women and the Work of Conversion in Early Modern England,” in Conversions: Gender and Religious Change in Early Modern Europe, ed. Simon Ditchfield and Helen Smith. Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming.

Cavanaugh, Stephanie M., “Morisca women and community in sixteenth-century Valladolid,” Women and Community in medieval and early modern Iberia, University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming 2018.

Cavanaugh, Stephanie M., “Litigating for Liberty: enslaved Morisco children in sixteenth-century Valladolid,” Renaissance Quarterly, forthcoming Winter 2017.

Christensen, Wayne, John Sutton, and Doris J.F. McIlwain. “Cognition in skilled action: meshed control and the varieties of skill experience”, Mind & Language 31 (1) (2016), 37-66.

Christensen, Wayne, John Sutton, and Doris J.F. McIlwain. “Cognition in skilled action: meshed control and the varieties of skill experience.” Mind & Language. Accepted January 2015. (in press).

Christensen, Wayne, Kath Bicknell, Doris J.F. McIlwain, and John Sutton. “The sense of agency and its role in strategic control for expert mountain bikers”, Psychology of Consciousness: theory, research, and practice 2 (3) (2015), 340-353.

Christensen, Wayne, John Sutton, and Doris J.F. McIlwain. “Putting pressure on theories of choking: towards an expanded perspective on breakdown in skilled performance”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (2) (2015), 253-293.

Cordonnier, Aline, Amanda J. Barnier, and John Sutton. “Scripts and information units in future planning: interactions between a past and a future planning task”, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (2) (2016), 324-338.

Cumming, Julie E. “Sources and Identity: Composers and Singers in Darnton’s Communications Circuit.” Introductory article in Sources of Identity: Makers, Owners and Users of Music Sources Before 1600, ed. Tim Shepherd and Lisa Colton. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017.

Cumming, Julie E., and Peter Schubert. “Another Lesson from Lassus: Quantifying Contrapuntal Repetition in the Duos of 1577.” Forthcoming in Early Music, 2015.

Cumming, Julie E., and Peter Schubert. “The Origins of Pervasive Imitation.” Chapter 12 in The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music, ed. Anna Maria Busse Berger and Jesse Rodin. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Cumming, Julie E., and Peter Schubert. “Talking about the Lost Generation: Sacred Music of Willaert, Gombert, and Michele Pesenti.” Introduction to a special issue of Journal of Musicology 32.3 (Summer 2015): 323-327.

Cumming, Julie E. “The Past is not Over: Special Collections in the Digital Age.” In Meetings with Books: Special Collections in the 21st Century. With a Tribute to Raymond Klibansky & Illustrated Survey of Special Collections at McGill Library and Archives. Edited by Jillian Tomm and Richard Virr. Montreal: McGill University Library 2014, 109-115.

Cumming, Julie E., and Evelyn Tribble. “Distributed Cognition, Improvisation, and the Arts in Early Modern Europe.” In A History of Distributed Cognition 2: From Medieval to Renaissance Culture. In press.

Deslauriers, Marguerite. Review of Republic of Women, by Carol Pal, The Review of Politics 76:2 (2014), pp. 1-3.

Dhar, Amrita. “Seeing Feelingly: Sight and Service in King Lear” in Disability, Health, and Happiness in the Shakespearean Body, ed. Sujata Iyengar. Routledge, 2015.

Fancy, Hussein. “Captivity, Ransom, and Manumission” in The Cambridge World History of Slavery, ed. David Richardson, Stanley Engerman, David Eltis and Craig Perry, vol. 2 of 3, Cambridge University Press, 2017 (accepted and under revision).

Fancy, Hussein. “Monarchs and Minorities: ‘Infidel’ Soldiers in Mediterranean Courts,” in The Globalization of Knowledge in the Post-Antique Mediterranean, ed. Sonja Brentjes and Jürgen Renn, London: Routledge, 2016, 115-144.

Fancy, Hussein.“The Intimacy of Exception: The Diagnosis of Samuel Abenmenassé,” in Center and Periphery: Studies on Power in the Medieval World in Honor of William Chester Jordan. Eds. Katherine L. Jansen, G. Geltner, and Anne E. Lester (Brill, 2013).

Fancy, Hussein.“The Last Almohads: Universal Sovereignty between North Africa and the Crown of Aragon,” Medieval Encounters 19:1-2 (2013): 102-136 [reprinted in Spanning the Strait: Studies in Unity in the Western Mediterranean. Eds. Yuen-Gen Liang, Abigail Krasner Balbale, Andrew Devereux, and Camillo Gómez-Rivas (Brill, 2013)]

Fancy, Hussein. “Theologies of Violence: The Recruitment of Muslim Soldiers by the Crown of Aragon,” Past & Present, 221:1 (Nov. 2013): 39-73 [winner of the Charles Julian Bishko Memorial Prize, 2014].

Farrar, Maia. Review: Rogge ed., Recounting Deviance: Forms and Practices of Presenting Divergent Behaviour in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period Columbia UP, 2016. Comitatus (Fall 2017).

Farrar, Maia. Review of Trade and Romance by Michael Murrin. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2014. Comitatus 46.1 (2015).

Farrar, Maia. Review of Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve and the Commercial Practices of Late Fourteenth Century England by Craig Bertolet. Ashgate, 2013. Comitatus 45.1 (2014).

Fenlon, Iain. ‘Jacquet of Mantua and Music of State’ in S. Brunetti (ed.), Maestranze, artisti e apparatori per la scena dei Gonzaga (1480-1630) (Bari, Pagina, 2016).

Fenlon, Iain. ‘Lost Books of Polyphony from Renaissance Spain’, in F. Bruni and A. Pettegree (eds.), Lost Books. Reconstructing the Print World of Pre-Industrial Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2016), pp.75-100.

Fenlon, Iain. ‘Orality and Print: Singing in the Street in Early Modern Venice’, in B. Richardson et al., Interactions between Orality and Writing in Early Modern in Early Modern Italian Culture (Routledge, 2016), pp.81-98.

Geeves, Andrew, Doris J.F. McIlwain, and John Sutton. “Seeing yellow: ‘connection’ and routine in professional musicians’ experience of music performance”, Psychology of Music 44 (2) (2016), 183-201. Published online 11 December 2014. DOI: 10.1177/0305735614560841.

Geeves, Andrew, Doris J.F. McIlwain, and John Sutton. “The performative pleasure of imprecision: a diachronic study of entrainment in music performance.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 (863) October 2014.

Geeves, Andrew. Doris J.F. McIlwain, John Sutton, and Wayne Christensen. “To think or not to think: the apparent paradox of expert skill in music performance.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (6), 674-691, 2014.

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Uprooting Origins: Polish-Lithuanian Art and the Challenge of Pluralism.” In East European Art from Global and Transnational Perspectives: Past and Present, ed. Beáta Hock and Anu Allas. Abingdon: Routledge, forthcoming 2018.

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Connoisseurship from Below: Art Collecting and Participatory Politics in Poland-Lithuania, 1587–1648,” Journal of the History of Collections, forthcoming, 18 pages (first published online 1 July 2016).

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Between Sacred and Profane: Devotional Space, the Picture Gallery, and the Ambiguous Image in Poland-Lithuania,” Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 64, no. 4 (December 2015): 521–542.

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Foreign as Native: Baltic Amber in Florence.” World Art 7, no. 1 (2017): 3-36.

Harris, Celia B., Akira O’Connor, and John Sutton. “Cue generation and memory construction in direct and generative autobiographical memory retrieval”, Consciousness and Cognition 33 (2015), 204-215.

Harris, Celia B., Amanda J. Barnier, John Sutton, and Paul G. Keil. “Couples as socially distributed cognitive systems: remembering in everyday social and material contexts.” Memory Studies 7 (3) 2014. 285-297.

Hoffmann, George. “Reconversion Tales: How to Make Sense of Lapses in Faith,” Itineraries in French Renaissance Literature, co-edited with Jeff Persels and Kendall Tart (Leiden: Brill, 2018).

Hoffmann, George. “Entry on religious ideas of ‘Michel de Montaigne,'” for the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, ed. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro, 4 vols. (forthcoming).

Hoffman, George. “From Communion to Communication,” in Memory and Community, Eds. Cathy Yandell and David LaGuardia (Ashgate, forthcoming).

Hoffmann, George. “Montaigne’s Education.” The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne. Ed. Philippe Desan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015 (digital). 2016 (print), 40-57.

Hoffmann, George. “Montaigne’s Religion.” Montaigne, ed. Joan Lluís Llinàs (Albolote: Comares, forthcoming).

Johnson, L., Sutton, J., & Tribble, E. Introduction: “Recognising the body-mind in Shakespeare’s theatre.” In L. Johnson, J. Sutton, & E. Tribble (Eds.), Embodied Cognition and Shakespeare’s Theatre: The Early Modern Body-Mind. (pp. 1-10). New York: Routledge, 2014.

Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Amber rosaries, Baltic furs, & Persian carpets: The Tallinn ‘Mary Altarpiece’ as an object of Hanseatic conspicuous consumption?” in Beyond the Sea. Reviewing the Manifold Dimensions of Water as Barrier and Bridge, Marta Grzechnik & Heta Hurskainen, eds. Böhlau Verlag, 2015, pp. 53-84.

Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Exhibiting Altarpieces: Technical Art Examination in Focus”, Student Column, International Center of Medieval Art Newsletter, August 2014, n. 2. (subsequent publication on Niguliste Museum website)

Kirby, Torrance.  “The Cosmographic Mystery: Johannes Kepler’s conversion of astronomy.” In T. Stuart-Buttle and S. Mukherji, eds. Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England: Literature and Natural Philosophy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.

Kirby, Torrance. “The hermeneutics of Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of public worship.” In T. Stuart-Buttle and S. Mukherji, eds. Crossroads of Knowledge, Belief and Literature in Early Modern England. London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2018. [in press].

Kirby, Torrance. “Mirifica commutatio: the economy of salvation in Reformation theology.” In Subha Mukherji & Tim Stuart-Buttle, eds. Knowing Faith: Literature, Belief, and Knowledge in Early Modern England. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2018. [in press].

Kirby, Torrance. “Grace hath use of Nature: Richard Hooker and the conversion of Reason.” In W. Bradford Littlejohn and Scott Kindred-Barnes, eds. Richard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy, 127-141. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2017.

Kirby, Torrance. “Cognition and Action: conversion and ‘virtue ethics’ in the Loci communes of Peter Martyr Vermigli.” In Kathleen Comerford, Gary Jenkins, and Torrance Kirby, eds. From Rome to Zurich: between Ignatius and Vermigli. Essays in Honour of John Patrick Donnelly, SJ, 163-179. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017.

Kirby, Torrance. “Conversion and the Sacraments: Erasmian Humanism and Elizabethan Hermeneutics of the Eucharist.” In Jens Zimmerman, ed. Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism: Education and the Restoration of Humanity, 95-118. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Kirby, Torrance.  “Consensus Tigurinus: the Zurich Agreement of 1549,” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), 34-44. [Latin to English translation].

Kirby, Torrance.  “Confessio Gebennensis: the Genevan Confession of 1549,” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), 28-33. [Latin to English translation].

Kirby, Torrance. “Richard Hooker: an introduction to his life and thought,”İslami İlimler Dergisi/The Journal of Islamic Sciences 20 (2016), 71-83.

Kirby, Torrance. “Reformation Debates over the Lord’s Supper (1536–1560): Sources and Impact of the Consensus Tigurinus.” Special issue of Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society of Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), with Emidio Campi.

Kirby, Torrance. “Confessio Gebennensis: the Genevan Confession of 1549,” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), 28-33. [Latin to English translation.]

Kirby, Torrance. “Consensus Tigurinus: the Zurich Agreement of 1549,” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 18.1 (2016), 34-44. [Latin to English translation.]

Kirby, Torrance. “Conversion and the Sacraments: Erasmian humanism and Elizabethan hermeneutics of the Eucharist.” In Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism, ed. Jens Zimmerman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “The hermeneutics of Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of public worship.” In T. Stuart-Buttle and S. Mukherji, eds. Crossroads of Knowledge, Belief and Literature in Early Modern England. London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Apocalyptics and Apologetics: Richard Helgerson on Elizabethan England’s Religious Identity and the Formation of the Public Sphere.” In Paul Yachnin, ed. Forms of Association: Making Publics in Early Modern Europe, 58-75. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Desiderantes meliorem patriam: La dottrina dell’elezione e l’immaginario sociale del Nuovo mondo.” In Giorgio Politi (ed.), Popoli eletti. Storia di un viaggio oltre la storia, 157-168. Milano: Edizioni Unicopli, 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “‘Divine offspring’: Richard Hooker’s Neoplatonic Account of Law and Causality.” Perichoresis 13.1 (2015), 3-15.

Kirby, Torrance. “Richard Hooker Revisited: an editorial.” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies 16.1 (2015), 5-8.

Kirby, Torrance. “Richard Hooker’s Scriptural Hermeneutics.” In Oda Wischmeyer, gen. ed. Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Berlin: De Gruyter, accepted and forthcoming 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “The Articles of Religion of the Church of Ireland, commonly called the Irish Articles, 1615.” In Karl Heinrich Faulenbach, ed., Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirchen. Band 3/1: Union, konsequente Reformation, Lehrentscheidungen 1570-1675, 61-86. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “The Elizabethan Church.” In Andrew Hiscock and Helen Wilcox, eds. Oxford Handbook of Early Modern English Literature and Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, accepted and forthcoming 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “The ‘sundrie waies of Wisdom’: Richard Hooker’s sapiential theology.” In Kevin Killeen, ed. Oxford Handbook of the Early Modern Bible. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Translatio imperii et fidei: the doctrine of election and the ‘social imaginaries’ of the New World.” In Georgio Politi, ed. Populi Eletti: Storia di un viaggio oltre la storia. Venice: Ca’ Foscari, accepted and forthcoming 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Peter Martyr Vermigli’s Epistle to the Princess Elizabeth: Models of Redemptive Kingship.” In Luca Baschera, Bruce Gordon, and Christian Moser, eds. Following Zwingli: Applying the Past in Reformation Zurich, 107-120. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Press, 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “Public conversion: Richard Smyth’s ‘Retractation’ at Paul’s Cross in 1547.” In Torrance Kirby and P.G. Stanwood, eds. Paul’s Cross and the culture of persuasion in England, 1520‒1640, 161-173. Leiden and Boston: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2014.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Dynamic Conversions Through Grief and Joy in George Herbert’s Musical Verse,” accepted for publication in Conversion Machines in Early Modern Europe: Apparatus, Artifice, Body. Eds. Paul Yachnin and Bronwen Wilson. Press TBA. Forthcoming 2017.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. Review of Concepts of Creativity in Seventeenth-Century England, ed. Herissone and Howard, Boydell, 2014 in Seventeenth-Century News, vol. 73, 2015 Nos. 3&4. 116-120.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Harmonizing the Auditor Within: Thomas Ford’s Musical Setting of John Donne’s ‘Lamentations of Jeremy,’” in Newberry Essays in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Vol. 7: Selected Proceedings of the Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies 2013 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. Chicago: The Newberry Centre for Renaissance Studies Publications, 2013.

Lewton-Brain, Anna.  “Musical Mediations of John Donne’s ‘A Hymne to God the Father,’” in Mediating Religious Cultures in Early Modern Europe. Eds Torrance Kirby and Matthew Milner. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Pub. 2013.

Long, Kathleen. “Animal Knowledge and the Question of Human Superiority in the Essais of Michel de Montaigne,” for a volume on Animal Theologians, Clair Linzey, ed. (forthcoming, Oxford University Press).

Long, Kathleen. “From Monstrosity to Abnormality: Early Discourses on Disability,” for a volume on Embodied Difference: Monstrosity, Disability, and the Posthuman in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Asa Mittman and Rick Godden (forthcoming, Ohio State University Press).

Long, Kathleen. “Montaigne, Monsters, and Modernity,” Itineraries in French Renaissance Literature, Jeff Persels, Kendall Tarte, and George Hoffman, eds. (forthcoming, Leiden: Brill, 2017).

Long, Kathleen. “Using Cruelty to teach Empathy in Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” Emotional and Affective Narratives in pre-Modern Europe/ Late-Medieval and Renaissance France, Charles-Louis Morand-Métivier and Andreea Marculescu, eds. (forthcoming, Palgrave, 2017).

Long, Kathleen. “What Came Before, What Comes After Normal? Some Humanist and Posthumanist Thoughts on the Concept of Normalcy ” for a volume on Humanism and Anti-humanism, Jan Miernowski, ed. Palgrave-MacMillan, forthcoming, 2016.

Long, Kathleen. “Montaigne and Monstrosity,” The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne, Philippe Desan, ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016; online, October 2016.

Long, Kathleen. “Fathers and Sons: Paternity, Memory, and Community in Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Histoire Universelle.” For an edited volume on Memory and Community in Sixteenth Century France, David LaGuardia and Cathy Yandell, eds. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015, 87-97.

Long, Kathleen. “Les rivières, sites de massacres et de mémoire dans Les Tragiques,” in Illustrations inconscientes: écritures de la Renaissance, ed. Bernd Renner and Phillip Usher (Paris: Garnier, 2014), 439-54.

Long, Kathleen. “Literature of the Wars of Religion,” in “Etat Présent: The Study of Sixteenth Century French Literature in North America” of early modern French Studies for The French Review (2014): 15-40.

Long, Kathleen. “Montaigne’s Mercurial Masculinity: The Alchemy of Gendered Identity in the Essais.” Monstrous Borders, Jana Byars and Hans Broedel, eds. (forthcoming, Routledge).

Long, Kathleen P. “Queer Geographies in Les Tragiques,” for a volume on Epic Geographies, Phillip Usher and Timothy Duffy, eds. (forthcoming, Palgrave).

Long, Kathleen. “Queer Spatialities in The Island of Hermaphrodites,” for a volume on Early Modern Visions of Space: France and Beyond, Dorothea Heitsch, ed. Solicited and written.

Long, Kathleen. “The Spectacle of Violence in François de Rosset’s Histoires tragiques and in Jules Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly’s “Une page d’histoire,” for a volume on The Dark Thread: From Histoires tragiques to Gothic Novel, John Lyons, ed. (Under revision)

Long, Kathleen. “Violent Words for Violent Times: Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” for a volume on Polemic and Literature Surrounding the French Wars of Religion, Katherine Maynard and Jeff Kendrick, eds. (Forthcoming: Medieval Institute Publications).

López-Portillo, José-Juan. “Mexico City in 1554: a dramaturgy of conversion” in Cities as Theatres of Conversion, forthcoming.

Marshall, Peter. “Comment: An Age of Instability.” Church Times. 30 June 2017. 13. 

Marshall, Peter. ‘The Savage Reformation.” BBC History Magazine. May 2017. 28-33. 

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Thomas Kaufmann, Luther’s Jews: A Journey into Anti-Semitism. in The Tablet. 4 February, 2017. 17. 

Marshall, Peter. Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Martin Luther and the Invention of the Reformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Invisible Worlds: Death, Religion and the Supernatural in England, 1500-1700. London: SPCK, 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. “Settlement Patterns: The Church of England, 1553-1603.” The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume I: Reformation and Identity. c. 1520-1662. ed. Anthony Milton. Oxford: OUP.  2017. 45-62. 

Marshall, Peter. “Luther among the Catholics, 1520-2015.” Remembering the Reformation: Martin Luther and Catholic Theology. ed. Declan Marmion, Salvador Ryan and Gesa ThiessenMinneapolis, Fortress Press: 2017, 13-33. 

Marshall, Peter. “Britain and its Reformations.” Still Reforming: Reformation on London’s Doorsteps. ed. Nicholas Aliano. London: privately printed. 2016. 8-9. 

Marshall, Peter. “Changing Identities in the English Reformation.” Religion as an Agent of Change. ed. Per Ingesman, Leiden: Brill. 2016. 166-86.  

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Taig Ó hAnnracháin. Catholic Europe, 1592-1648: Centre and Peripheries. in Times Literary Supplement23 Sep. 2016. 24. 

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Joe Moshenska. A Stain in the Blood: The Remarkable Voyage of Sir Kenelm Digby. in The Tablet. 10 Sep. 2016. 20. 

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Diarmaid MacCulloch, All Things Made New: Writing on the Reformation. in Literary Review. July 2016. 22-3.

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Lyndal Roper. Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet. in Literary Review. June 2016. 5-6. 

Marshall, Peter. (Review). Sebastian Sobecki. Unwritten Verities: The Making of England’s Vernacular Legal Culture, 1463-1549. in Catholic Historical Review. 102. 2016. 608-9. 

Marshall, Peter, and Morgan, John. “Clerical Conformity and the Elizabethan Settlement Revisited,” Historical Journal, 59. 2016.

Marshall, Peter. “Changing Identities in the English Reformation,” in Religion as an Agent of Change. Ed. P. Ingesman. Brill, 2016.

Marshall, Peter. “Britain and its Reformations.” in Still Reforming: Reformation on London’s Doorsteps. ed  Nicholas Aliano. London: privately printed. 2016. 8-9. 

Marshall, Peter. “Talking Religion in Elizabethan England.” Shakespeare and Early Modern Religion. Eds. D. Loewensten and M. Whitmore. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “Catholic Puritanism in Pre-Reformation England,” British Catholic History, 32. 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “Settlement Patterns: The Church of England, 1553-1603.” The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol I. Ed. A. Milton. Oxford University Press: forthcoming 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “After Purgatory: Death and Remembrance in the Reformation World,” in Preparing for Death, Remembering the Dead, Eds. T. Rasmussen and J. Øygarden Flaeten. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “The Birthpangs of Protestant England,” Special issue of History, 100, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “British Reformations,” and “Introduction,” The Oxford Illustrated History of the Reformation. Ed. Peter Marshall. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “Choosing Sides and Talking Religion in Shakespeare’s England.” Shakespeare and Early Modern Religion. Ed. D. Loewenstein and M. Whitmore. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Marshall, Peter. (review) A. Ivereigh, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope. Times Literary Supplement. 3 April. 2015.

Marshall, Peter. (review) J. Dawson, John Knox, in Literary Review. April. 2015.

Marshall, Peter. (review) S. Doran, Elizabeth I and her Circle, in The Tablet, 30 May 2015.

Marshall, Peter. “Ethics and Identity in the English and German Reformations,” in Sister Reformations II – Schwesterreformationen II: Reformations and Ethics in Germany and in England – Reformation und Ethik in Deutschland und in England. Eds. A. Ryrie and D. Wendebourg. Mohr Sieback. 2014.

Marshall, Peter. (review) M. Greengrass, Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648, in Literary Review. July 2014.

Marshall, Peter. (review) J. Gray, Oaths and the English Reformation, in Sixteenth Century Journal, 45. 2014.

Marshall, Peter. (review) B. Kaplan, Cunegonde’s Kidnapping: A Story of Religious Conflict in the Age of Enlightenment, in Literary Review. Dec. 2014/Jan. 2015.

Marshall, Peter. (review) K. Armstrong, Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence, in Literary Review. Sep. 2014.

Marshall, Peter.“Religious Ideology.” The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed’s Chronicles, Eds. Paulina Kewes, Ian Archer and Felicity Heal. Oxford University Press, 2013.

McCarroll, Christopher J. and John Sutton. “Multiperspectival Imagery: Sartre and cognitive theory on point of view in remembering and imagining”. In Phenomenology and Science: confrontations and convergences. Eds Jack Reynolds and Ricky Sebold, pp. 181-204. (London: Palgrave, 2016).

Michaelian, Kirk and John Sutton. “Collective memory”. In The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality. Eds Kirk Ludwig and Marija Jankovic. (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2017).

Mullaney, Steven. ““Do You See This?” The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy,” The Oxford Companion to Early Modern Tragedy, ed. David Schalkwyk and Michael Neill (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).

Mullaney, Steven. Review of Jan Bloemendal, Peter G.F. Eversmann, and Elsa Strietman, Drama, Performance and Debate: Theatre and Public Opinion in the Early Modern Period (2013). Renaissance Quarterly 67.3 (2014), pp. 1078-1080.

Mullaney, Steven. “’Do You See This?’ The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy,” The Oxford Companion to Early Modern Tragedy, ed. David Schalkwyk and Michael Neill. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Embodied Geometry in Early Modern Theatre,” in Embodiment (Oxford Philosophical Concepts Series), edited by Justin H. Smith, New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Reading Mathematics in the Seventeenth Century: Evidence from Robert Hooke’s Notes and Marginalia,” in Early Modern Marginalia (Material Readings of Early Modern Culture Series), ed. Katherine Acheson. New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2017.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. Review of Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future, eds. Kim Williams and Michael J. Ostwald. BSHM Bulletin, Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. doi: 10.1080/17498430.2016.1208392 (forthcoming 2016).

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Theatres of Machines, Machines of Cruelty, and Instruments of Conversion,” in Conversion Machines in Early Modern Europe: Apparatus, Artifice, Body, Eds. Paul Yachnin and Bronwen Wilson. Press TBA: forthcoming 2017.

Parker, Eric M. “The Mediation of Lutheran Platonism: a reassessment of Lucas Cranach’s Painting ‘Gesetz und Gnade’,” Mediating Religious Cultures in Early Modern Europe. Eds. Torrance Kirby and Matthew Milner. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013.

Parker, Eric M. “‘Fides mater virtutum est’: Peter Martyr Vermigli’s disagreement with Thomas Aquinas on the ‘form’ of the virtues,” Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society of Reformation Studies, 15:1 (2014).

Piana, Marco. “Jane K Wickersham, Rituals of Prosecution, the Roman Inquisition and the Prosecution of Philo-Protestants in Sixteenth Century Italy.” Forum Italicum. 48.3 (2014): 653-654. Print.

Piana, Marco. “AA. VV. Nature and Art in Dante. Literary and Theological Essays, edited by Daragh O’ Connell & Jennifer Petrie.” Quaderni d’Italianistica (forthcoming 2015).

Pini, Sarah, Doris J.F. McIlwain, and John Sutton. “Re-tracing the encounter: interkinaesthetic forms of knowledge in Contact Improvisation”, Antropologia e Teatro 7 (2016), 225-243.

Rubright, Marjorie, “Incorporating Kate: The Myth of Monolingualism in Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth.” The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment: Gender, Sexuality, and Race. Ed. Valerie Traub. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016: 468-490.

Rubright, Marjorie, “Shakespeare’s Global Imagination: The stranger ‘of here and everywhere,’ Othello, The Moor of Venice” in ‘So Long Lives This’: A Celebration of Shakespeare’s Life and Works, 1616-2016. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 2016: 55- 64.

Rubright, Marjorie, “Shakespeare’s Tongues: Henry V and the Babel of English” in ‘So Long Lives This’: A Celebration of Shakespeare’s Life and Works, 1616-2016. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 2016: 44-54.

Sagrans, Jacob. “‘What England Has Done for a Thousand Years’: Medievalism in Christmas Lessons and Carols Services.” In The Oxford Handbook of Music and Medievalism, edited by Kirsten Yri and Stephen Meyer. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Sagrans, Jacob. “Early Music and the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, 1958 to 2015.” PhD diss., McGill University, 2016.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Dikes and Dunes: On Dutch History and Dutchness.” In BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review (Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden), vol. 131 (2016/2017 [forthcoming]).

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Form, Meaning, Furniture:  On Exotic Things, Mediated Meanings, and Material Practices in Early Modern Europe,” Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit. Ed. Arndt Brendecke et. al. (Cologne, 2015 [in press]), 274-291.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Knowledge Products and their Transmediations: Dutch Geography and the Transformation of the World.” In Transformations of Knowledge in Dutch Expansion, ed. Arndt Brendecke, Stefan Ehrenpreis, and Susanne Friedrich, Pluralisierung und Autorität, vol. 44 (Berlin and Boston, 2015), 121-159.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “The ‘Dutch’ ‘Atlantic’ and the Dubious Case of Frans Post.” In Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders, ed. Gert Oostindie and Jessica Roitman; Atlantic World: Europe, Africa and the Americas, 1500-1830, vol. 29 (Leiden, 2014), 249-273.

Schmidt, Benjamin. (review) Anna Contadini and Claire Norton, eds., The Renaissance and the Ottoman World (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2013). In Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction, vol. 39, no. 3 (Autumn/Winter 2015 [in press]).

Schmidt, Benjamin. (review) Ulrike Gehring and Peter Weibel, eds., Mapping Spaces: Networks of Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century Landscape Painting (Munich: Hirmer Publishers, 2014); and Elizabeth A. Sutton, Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015). Review essay (ca. 2500 words) in CAA Reviews [College Art Association and Taylor & Francis], September 2016 [forthcoming].

Schmidt, Benjamin. (review) Catia Antunes and Jos Gommans, eds., Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000 (London: Bloomsbury, 2015; pp. xx + 297). In The English Historical Review, vol. 131, issue 549 (October 2016) [forthcoming].

Schubert, Peter and Julie Cumming. “Another Lesson from Lassus: Using Computers to Analyze Counterpoint.” Early Music 43.4 (November 2015): 577-86.

Searle, Alison. ‘Compassion, Conversion and Performance in James Shirley’s The Sisters’. Compassion in Early Modern Europe. eds, Katherine Ibbett and Kristine Steenbergh. [under consideration from publisher]

Smith, Helen. ‘“Wilt thou not read me, Atheist?”: The Bible and Conversion’, in Kevin Killeen, Helen Smith, and Rachel Willie (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in England, c. 1530-1700 (Oxford University Press, 2015), 350-64.

Smith, Helen. Metaphor, Cure, and Conversion in Early Modern England,” Renaissance Quarterly, 64.2 (Summer 2014), 473-502.

Smith, Justin E. H., “The Ibis and the Crocodile: Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign and Evolutionary Theory in France, 1801-1835,” in Republic of Letters, forthcoming, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Between Language, Music, and Sound: Birdsong as a Philosophical Problem from Aristotle to Kant,” in Stephanie Buchenau and Roberto Lo Presti (eds.), Human and Animal Perception in the 17th and 18th Centuries, University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Hegel, China, and the 19th-Century Europeanization of Philosophy,” in Eric S. Nelson (ed.), Special Issue of the Journal of Chinese Philosophy on Hegel and China, forthcoming, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Steno’s Palaeontology: Thinking from Traces,” in Mogens Laerke and Troels Kardel (eds.), Steno and Philosophy, Brill Studies in Intellectual History, Leiden: Brill, forthcoming, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Thinking with Animals in Early Modern Philosophy: Anatomy and Analogy in Lower, Tyson and Leibniz,” in Arnaud Pelletier (ed.), Leibniz’s Experimental Philosophy. Studia Leibnitiana Sonderhefte 46, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016, 181-196.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Stahl and Leibniz on the Role of the Soul in the Body,” in Arnaud Pelletier (ed.), Leibniz and the Aspects of Reality. Studia Leibnitiana Sonderhefte 45, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2015, 111-122.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Tradition, Culture, and the Problem of Inclusion in Philosophy,” Comparative Philosophy, vol. 6, no. 2 (July, 2015).

Smith, Justin E. H., “The Criminal Trial and Punishment of Animals: A Case Study in Shame and Necessity,” in Andreas Blank (ed.), Animals: New Essays, Munich, Philosophia Verlag, 2015.

Smith, Justin E. H., “Medical Eudaimonism in Early Modern Philosophy,” in Peter Distelzweig (Ed.), Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy, Springer, 2015.

Smith, Justin E. H. “Steno’s Palaeontology: Thinking from Traces,” in Mogens Laerke and Troels Kardel (eds.), Steno and Philosophy, Brill Studies in Intellectual History, Leiden: Brill, forthcoming, 2015.

Smith, Justin E. H. “Tradition, Culture, and the Problem of Inclusion in Philosophy,” Comparative Philosophy, vol. 6, no. 2 (July, 2015).

Smith, Justin E. H. “The Criminal Trial and Punishment of Animals: A Case Study in Shame and Necessity,” in Andreas Blank (ed.), Animals: New Essays, Munich, Philosophia Verlag, forthcoming, 2015.

Soranzo, Matteo. “Philosophical or Religious Conversion: Marsilio Ficino, Plotinus’ Enneads and Neoplatonic epistrophe in S. Marchesini. J.N. Novoa” (eds). Simple twists of faith: changing Beliefs, changing faiths. Verona: Alteritas. 2017 (with Denis Robichaud).

Soranzo, Matteo. “Astrologia ed Alchimia in un manoscritto ‘ritrovato’ di G.A. Augurelli: il MS Mellon 22 della Beinecke Library di Yale University” in Dialogo: Studi in Memoria di Angela Caracciolo Aricò, Ed. Chiara Frison, Elena Bocchia, Zuane Fabris, Venice, Centro di Studi E.A.Cicogna: 2017, pp. 3219-352.

Soranzo, Matteo. “Poesia e trasformazione spirituale nel primo Rinascimento: Lodovico Lazzarelli, Giovanni A. Augurelli e Battista Mantovano” in Francesco Guardiani and Salvatore Bancheri (eds). Italian Literature and Religion. Firenze: Casati, 2016.

Soranzo, Matteo. “Poesia e trasformazione spirituale nel primo Rinascimento: Lodovico Lazzarelli, Giovanni A. Augurelli e Battista Mantovano” in Francesco Guardiani and Salvatore Bancheri (eds). Italian Literature and Religion. Firenze: Casati, 2015.

Soranzo, Matteo. “A new look at spirituality: knowledge and transformation in EM Italy” Journal of Religion in Europe 8.4 (2015).

Soranzo, Matteo. “Un’identita religiosa all’indomani della Riforma : gli Hymni Heroici Tres (1507) di Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1470-1533).” Italian Studies 70.1 (2015).

Soranzo, Matteo and Marco Piana. “Marsilio Ficino’s Meditative Prayers: Early Modern Spirituality and the Revival of Platonic Hymns.” Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages. La Nouvelle Culture (1480-1520). Ed. Eva Kushner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2014.

Stelling, Lieke. “Recent Studies in Religious Conversion.” English Literary Renaissance 47.1 (2017), 164-192.

Stelling, Lieke. “‘For Christian Shame’: Othello’s Fall and the Early Modern Conversion Play.” Journal of Mediterranean Studies 25.1 (2016), 19-31.

Stelling, Lieke. Review of: Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Fictions of Conversion: Jews, Christians, and Cultures of Change in Early Modern England (2013). Religion & Literature 48.2 (forthcoming).

Stylianou, Anastasia. “Martyrs’ blood in the English Reformations.” British Catholic History. 33 (4). 2017. 1-27. 

Sutton, John and Nicholas Keene. “Cognitive History and Material Culture”. In The Routledge Handbook of Material Culture in Early Modern Europe. Eds David Gaimster, Tara Hamling, and Catherine Richardson, pp. 44-56. (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2017).

Sutton, John. “Memory”. In The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon Ed Larry Nolan, pp.490-492. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016)

Sutton, John. “Scaffolding Memory: themes, taxonomies, puzzles”. In Contextualizing Human Memory: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how individuals and groups remember the past. Eds Lucas Bietti and Charles B. Stone, pp. 187-205. (London: Routledge, 2015).

Sutton, John. “Remembering as public practice: Wittgenstein, memory, and distributed cognitive ecologies”. In Mind, Language, and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium Eds D. Moyal-Sharrock, A. Coliva, and V. Munz, pp. 409-443. Walter de Gruyter.

Sutton, John. Scaffolding memory: themes, taxonomies, puzzles. In Lucas Bietti & Charles B. Stone (eds), Contextualizing Human Memory: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how individuals and groups remember the past (pp.187-205). London: Routledge. (in press).

Sutton, John and Nicholas Keene. Cognitive history and material culture. In David Gaimster, Tara Hamling, & Catherine Richardson (eds), The Ashgate Research Companion to Material Culture in Early Modern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate. Accepted April 2014. (in press).

Sutton, John and Doris J.F. McIlwain. “Breadth and depth of knowledge in expert versus novice athletes.” In Damian Farrow & Joe Baker (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise (pp. 95-105). London: Routledge, 2015.

Sutton, John. “Remembering as public practice: Wittgenstein, memory, and distributed cognitive ecologies.” In D. Moyal-Sharrock, A. Coliva, & V. Munz (eds), Mind, Language, and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium (pp. 409-443). Walter de Gruyter, 2014.

Sutton, John and Kellie Williamson. “Embodied remembering.” In Lawrence Shapiro (ed), The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition (pp.315-325). London: Routledge, 2014.

Sutton, John and Evelyn B. Tribble. “The Creation of Space: narrative strategies, group agency, and skill in Lloyd Jones’s The Book of Fame,” in Mindful Aesthetics: literature and the sciences of mind. Eds. Chris Danta and Helen GrothBloomsbury/ Continuum, 2014.

Traub, Valerie. “Early Modern (Feminist) Methods,” Rethinking Feminism in Early Modern Studies: Gender, Race, and Sexuality, eds. Ania Loomba and Melissa E. Sanchez. Ashgate, 2016.

Traub, Valerie. Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment. Oxford University Press. 2016.

Traub, Valerie. “History in the Present Tense: Feminist Theories, Spatialized Epistemologies, and Early Modern Embodiment,” Mapping Gendered Routes and Spaces in the Early Modern World, ed. Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (Ashgate, 2015).

Traub, Valerie. “Queer Is? Or Queer Does? Orgasmology’s Methods,” “Orgasmology” Dossier, Feminist Formations, guest ed. Robyn Wiegman (forthcoming 2016).

Traub, Valerie. “(Ab)normal,” The Geography of Embodiment in Early Modern England, eds. Mary Floyd-Wilson and Garrett Sullivan (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

Traub, Valerie. “Early Modern (Feminist) Methods,” Rethinking Feminism in Early Modern Studies: Gender, Race, and Sexuality, eds. Ania Loomba and Melissa E. Sanchez (Ashgate, 2016).

Traub, Valerie. “Lesbianism,” The Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia, ed. Patricia Parker (Stanford University Press, 2016).

Traub, Valerie. “A Response: Difficulty, Opacity, Disposition, Method,” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 44:3&4 (forthcoming 2016).

Traub, Valerie. “Cartography,” The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, Vol. 1, Shakespeare’s World, 1500-1660, ed. Bruce Smith (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

Tribble, E. “The work of the book in an age of digital reproduction.” In H. B. Hackel & I. F. Moulton (Eds.), Teaching early modern English literature from the archives. (pp. 39-44). New York: Modern Language Association of America. 2015.

Tribble, E. “Where are the Archers in Shakespeare?.” ELH 82, no. 3 (2015): 789-814.

Tribble, E. “Skill,” Shakespeare Studies vol. 43 (2015): 17-26. [Original introduction plus invited special forum on the topic of “Skill,” comprising seven commissioned articles]

Tribble, E. “Distributed Cognition, Mindful Bodies and the Arts of Acting.” Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies. Ed. Rhonda Blair and Amy Cook (London: Bloomsbury, 2016).

Tribble, E. “Reading, Recitation, and Entertainments: The Dunedin
Shakespeare Club, 1877–1956.” Early Modern Drama in Performance: Essays for Lois Potter. Ed. M. Netzloff & D. Farabee (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2015), 155-66.

Tribble, Evelyn B. and John Sutton. “Interdisciplinarity and Cognitive Approaches to Theatre.” In Nicola Shaughnessy (ed), Affective Performance and Cognitive Science: body, brain, and being (pp.27-37, notes pp. 245-249). Bloomsbury/Methuen, 2014.

Vallelly, Neil. “Light and Emergent Epistemologies in Love’s Labour’s Lost,” in Lectures de Love’s Labour’s Lost, Eds. Delphine Texier adn Guillaume Winter. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, forthcoming 2014

Vanhaelen, Angela. (Review). Elisabeth de Bièvre. Dutch Art and Urban Cultures, 1200–1700. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2015Art Bulletin. vol. 98. no. 3. September 2016. pp. 397-99. 

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Public and Private Intercourse in Dutch Genre Scenes: Soldiers and Enigmatic Women / Painters and Enigmatic Paintings.” Forms of Association: Making Publics in Early Modern Europe. How Sharing Ideas and Interests Transformed Early Modern Europe. Eds. Paul Yachnin and Marlene Eberhart. University of Massachusetts Press, 2015, 115-132.

Venters, Scott. “‘The ransome of Prides fury’:  The Executions at the Hope Bear-Garden and the (De)Mythologization of the English Commonwealth,” New England Theatre Journal 26 (2015), 1-20.

Venters, Scott. “‘Would you die for the Fatherland?’: Disciplining the German Commemorative Body,” Theatre History Studies 35 (forthcoming 2016), 39-71.

Vessey, Mark. “A More Radical Renaissance: Erasmus’ Novum instrumentum in Its Time and Ours.” 29th Annual Margaret Mann Phillips Lecture. Erasmus Studies 37 (2017): 23-44.

Vessey, Mark. “Basel 1514: Erasmus’ Critical Turn.” In Basel 1516: Erasmus’ Edition of the New Testament, Ed. Kaspar von Greyerz, Silvana Seidel Menchi and Martin Wallraff. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016. 3-26.

Vessey, Mark. “‘Nothing if not Critical’: G. E. B. Saintsbury, Erasmus, and the History of (English) Literature,” in Erasmus and the Renaissance Republic of Letters. Ed. Stephen Ryle. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014. 425-53.

Williamson, Kellie and John Sutton. “Embodied collaboration in small groups.” In Charles T. Wolfe (ed), Brain Theory: essays in critical neurophilosophy (pp.107-133). London: Palgrave, 2014.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Eugenia Paulicelli, Writing Fashion in Early Modern Italy: From Sprezzatura to Satire.” Journal of Italian Studies, Italian studies, Vol. 70 No. 3, August 2015, 426–39.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Gerhard Mercator und das öffentliche Leben der Globen, Karten und Atlanten,” [Gerardus Mercator and the Public Life of Globes, Maps, and Atlases]. In Gerhard Mercator. Wissenschaft und Wissenstransfer, edited by Ute Schneider and Stefan Brakensiek. with Timocin Celebi. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015, 168-94.

Wilson, Bronwen. “The Itinerant Artist and the Islamic Urban Prospect: Joseph-Guillaume Grélot’s Self-portraits in Ambrosio Bembo’s Travel Journal,Artibus et Historiae, Fall 2017.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Portraiture, Sincerity and the Ethics of Early Modern Conversation.” In Heidegger and the Work of Art History, edited by Amanda Boetzkes and Aron Vinegar. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, 79-100.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Sensualité des figures à mi-corps et théâtralité de la peinture,” [Sensuous Half-Length Actors and the Performance of Painting]. In Figures de fantaisie du XVI au XVIII siècle, edited by Melissa Percival. Paris: Somogy éditions d’art, 2015, 27-50.

Wilson, Bronwen. David Kim, The Traveling Artist in the Italian Renaissance: Geography, Mobility, and Style, and Mark Rosen, The Mapping of Power in Renaissance Italy: Painted Cartographic Cycles in Social and Intellectual Context, The Art Bulletin, July 2016.

Winters, R. Michael and Julie E. Cumming. “Sonification of Symbolic Music in the Elvis Project.” Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD–2014) June 22–25, 2014, New York, USA.

Wittek, Stephen. “Middleton’s A Game at Chess and the Making of a Theatrical Public,” Studies in English Literature, 55.2 (Spring 2015), 423-446.

Yachnin, Paul. “Conversional Economies: Thomas Middleton’s Chaste Maid in Cheapside.” In Performing Conversion: Urbanism, Theatre, and Transformation in the Early Modern World. Ed. José R. Jouve-Martín and Stephen Wittek. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming, 2019.

Yachnin, Paul. “Freedom from Debt: The Economies of The Tempest.” In Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Ed Subha Mukherji. London: Palgrave, forthcoming 2019.

Yachnin, Paul. “Shylock, Conversion, Toleration.” In Imagining Religious Toleration. Ed. Alison Conway and David Alvarez. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming 2019.

Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare’s Theatre of Conversion.” The Immanent Frame, May 7 2018.

Zecher, Carla. “Dévotions musicales jésuites dans la mission de l’île de Naxos au XVIIe siècle.” In Textes missionnaires dans l’espace francophone. Vol. 1: Rencontre, réécriture, mémoire, ed. Guy Poirier (Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2016), 39-53.

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