Arten, Samantha.“‘ Faithfully perused and alowed’ : John Day’s Claims of Authority and Authorization for The Whole Booke of Psalmes.” Gloriana Society, London, UK, November. 18-20, 2016.
Arvas, Abdulhamit (panel chair). “Biopolitics, Public Health, and Morality in Turkey and Iran.” 48th Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Washington D.C., November 2014.
Arvas, Abdulhamit. “On conversion of boys in the Ottoman Empire and England.” Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 2014.
Arvas, Abdulhamit. “Queer Militarism in the Early Modern Mediterranean.” In the seminar, “Gender, Sexuality, and Militarism.” Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, April 2015.
Badir, Patricia. “Costal Squeeze: the Ecologies of John Lyly’s Gallathea.” Renaissance Society of America Conference, Berlin, March, 2015.
Badir, Patricia. “Fixing the Affections: Books as Agents of Conversion at Little Gidding.” Transforming Bodies. Cornell University, April 21-23, 2017.
Badir, Patricia. “Shakespeare in the Park: 1916/2016”. Co-presented with Vin Nardizzi. Shakespeare + Canada Symposium. University of Ottawa, April 2016.
Badir, Patricia. “We are now in Lincolnshire”. Conversions Team Meeting. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan. May 25-27, 2016.
Bahn, Catherine. Diego Ortiz’s 5th Voice, improvising on “cosas compuestas”, pre-composed vocal works. 2015 MGSS McGill Music Graduate Student’s Society Symposium.
Bahn, Catherine. Diego Ortiz’s 5th Voice, improvising on “cosas compuestas”, pre-composed vocal works. 2015 MedRen Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Beckwith, Sarah.“Late Have I Loved You.” Conversions Team Conference, CRASSH, Cambridge University, July 23, 2015.
Beckwith, Sarah.“Loving to Hate: Shakespeare Takes Revenge Upon the World.” Lecture, Stratford Festival, June 25th, 2017.
Bell, Jack Harding. “Loving Justice: Robert Holcot on the Nature of Politics in His Commentary on the Wisdom of Solomon.” International Conference on Patristics, University of Oxford, 14 August 2015.
Burke, Juan Luis. “The Via Crucis of Puebla de los Ángeles: A Recreation of the Heavenly Jerusalem in the New World.” Inside the Ritual: Approaches, Practices and Representations in the Arts Symposium, Université de Montréal, 24 – 27 November 2016.
Burke, Juan Luis. “Inside the Ritual: Approaches, Practices and Representations in the Arts”, Université de Montreal, November 2016.
Burke, Juan Luis. “Transforming Bodies”, Cornell University, April 2017.
Burton, Simon J. G. “Grace, Salvation and Trinitarian Metaphysics: Nicholas of Cusa on the Theological Virtues.” Renaissance Society of America Conference, American Cusanus Society, March 2016.
Burton, Simon J. G. “Squaring the Circle: Cusan Metaphysics and the Pansophic Vision of Jan Amos Comenius.” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, New Orleans, October 2014.
Canavan, Claire. “‘Her Needle Did Succeed her Booke’: Sewing and the Life-Cycle of the Book in Early Modern England” Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, Montreal, 10 July 2015.
Cavanaugh, Stephanie M., “‘The signs of their poor conversion’: Morisco non- conformism in Counter-Reformation Spain,” presented at the Sixth International Converso and Morisco Conference: Los Cristianos Nuevos y la Reforma Religiosa en Europa Medieval y Moderna, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), June 14-15, 2017.
Cavanaugh, Stephanie M., “Of lineage and limpieza de sangre: Old and New Christians in early modern Spain,” Bodies and Minds in the Early Modern Catholic World, University of Warwick, 24-25 March, 2017.
Cavanaugh, Stephanie M., “The Morisco problem and the politics of conversion,” Politics of Conversion Workshop III, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico City, 9-11 March, 2017.
Chehab, Krystel. “The Aftermath of Violence in Spanish Still-life Painting.” Early Modern Orientations, Sainsbury Institute for Art, University of East Anglia. 16-18 May, 2013.
Cochran, Zoey. “‘Can the Subaltern Sing?’: Integration and Resistance in Nicola Porpora’s Early drammi per musica.” MacSECS, Chapter of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Music. Hamilton, March 2017. Conference Organizer.
Cochran Zoey. “Integration and Resistance in Nicola Porpora’s Early drammi per musica.” Canadian University Music Society Annual Conference, Toronto, May 2017.
Cochran, Zoey and Peter Schubert. “Monteverdi’s Rhetorical Counterpoint.” The Making of a Genius: Claudio Monteverdi from Cremona to Mantua, Cremona and Mantua, June 2017.
Coughlin, Rebecca. “The Place of the Soul: Ambrogio Traversari and Marsilio Ficino on the nature of the human soul.” Desire and Devotion: American Academy of Religion—Eastern International Region Meeting, McGill University, 2 May 2015.
Coursey, Sheila. “Executing Romance: Havelok the Dane, Athelston, and the Sovereign Scaffold.” NYU Medieval and Early Modern Studies Graduate Conference, September 2015.
Coursey, Sheila. “The Box Seats: Severed Heads and the Pageantry on London Bridge.” Annual New Chaucer Society Conference, July 2016.
Cumming, Julie E. “Choirbooks and Partbooks: Different Formats, Different Affordances.” Presented at the Séminaire de musicologie on Notation as a mode of thinking. Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours, 30 May 2014.
Cumming, Julie E. “Discordia concors dans l’Ecclesiae militantis de Dufay : une expression musicale de la suprématie pontificale.” Colloque no. 314 : Protestation, propagande, oppression, résistance : comment penser les liens entre musique et politique?, Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, Université McGill, Montréal, 12 mai 2017.
Cumming, Julie E. “Music for the Doge in Early Fifteenth-Century Venice.” Ut icture musica, Painting meets Music in Renaissance Italy (14th – 17th century), Journée d’étude dans le cadre de l’exposition « Splendore a Venezia », Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 15 January 2014.
Cumming, Julie E. “Musical Skills for Musicologists: Historical Improvisation in the Graduate Seminar.” Historical Performance: Theory, Practice, and Interdisciplinarity, Indiana University, Bloomington, May 21, 2016. Invited speaker.
Cumming, Julie E. Presentation on Josquin’s Huc me sydereo in the “Analysing Renaissance Polyphony: Taxonomy and Terminology, 1 and 2” panel discussion at the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Brussel, Belgium, 9 July 2015.
Cumming, Julie E. “Sources and Identity: Composers and Singers in Darnton’s Communications Circuit.” Sources of Identity: Makers, Owners and Users of Music Sources Before 1600. Centre for the Study of Music, Gender and Identity (MuGI), University of Sheffield, UK, 6 October 2013 (by invitation).
Cumming, Julie E. “The Improvisation Revolution: What is historical counterpoint, and why should we do it?” Improvised Counterpoint 1500-1700: Con la mente e con le mani, Phase Two: Workshop on Historical Improvisation. Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montreal, 15 April 2014.
Cumming, Julie E., and Peter Schubert. “Traces of Improvised Practice in Composed Music, 1425-1610.” American Musicological Society annual meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 15 November 2015.
Deslauriers, Marguerite. “Marinella and her Interlocutors.” as part of the panel Women in Modern Philosophy, Pacific APA, Vancouver, BC, 2 April 2015.
Deslauriers, Marguerite. “Temperature, Virtue and Politics in Arguments for and against Women.” Part of the panel, ‘Virtue and Politics in Early Modern Works on Women’, Canadian Society for Italian Studies (CSIS) Annual Meeting, Sorrento, Italy, 19 – 21 June 2015.
Fancy, Hussein. “A comment on Azfar Moin’s Millennial Sovereign” (invited) at The American Historical Association, New York City, New York, 3 January 2015.
Fancy, Hussein. “Faking It: Impostors on the Christian-Islamic Frontier.” (Invited) Religious Alterity and Political Power in Medieval Polities, Madrid, Spain, 10 – 11 April 2015.
Fancy, Hussein. “The Intimacy of Exception.” The Medieval Academy of America, Knoxville, Tennessee, 5 April 2013.
Farrar, Maia. “Testing‘ Treweth’: Defining Treason and the Political Body in King Horn and The Erle of Tolous.” International Medieval Congress: Leeds, UK. July 2017.
Farrar, Maia. “Valorizing the‘ Fals’ Steward in Amis and Amiloun,” International Congress on Medieval Studies: Kalamazoo, May 2017.
Farrar, Maia. “Reading Fish in Ashmole 61 and Sir Orfeo.” The New Chaucer Society 2016 Congress, London, July 2016.
Farrar, Maia. “Legitimating Piety: Defining Sovereignty in Sir Orfeo and the Auchinleck MS.” NeMLA, Toronto, 30 April – 3 May 2015.
Farrar, Maia. “Creating a ‘Trewe’ English Identity: Material Presentation of Early Chaucerian Editions.” Berkeley Graduate Conference, Spring 2014.
Farrar, Maia. “Legitimating Piety: Defining Sovereignty in Sir Orfeo and the Auchinleck MS.” NeMLA, Toronto, 30 April – 3 May 2015.
Finnigan, Christian. “The Marian Exiles and the Right of Resistance: The Grounds of Political Authority in the Thought of John Ponet, Christopher Goodman, and John Knox.” Presentation at the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 12-14 2017.
Finnigan, Christian. “De Regno Christi and The Two Martin Bucers.” Presentation at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Bruges, Belgium, August 18-20, 2016.
Finnigan, Christian. “The Geneva Bible and The Scottish Reformation.” Presentation at the Society for Reformation Studies Conference, Cambridge, UK, April 5 -7, 2016.
Fulford, Andrew. “Between Zurich and London: Vermigli, Bullinger, and Hooker’s on the Doctrine of Revelation.” Conference presentation, Richard Hooker Society Conference, ON, Ottawa, October 20, 2016.
Fulford, Andrew. “Hooker and Radicalization: A Secularized Theological Approach.” The Sixteenth Century Society, Vancouver, 25 October 2015.
Fulford, Andrew. “Richard Hooker’s Evidentialist Apologetic: Once More on Autopistos and Reformed Orthodoxy.” The Sixteenth Century Society Conference, New Orleans, 16 October 2014.
Gamble, Joseph. “Conjectural Marriages.” Early Modern Colloquium Graduate Conference, University of Michigan, March 2016.
Gamble, Joseph. “Lyric Conversions, or Shakespeare Without Voice.” American Comparative Literature Association, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands, Seminar: Lyric Desire, July 2017.
Gamble, Joseph. “Lyric Conversions, or Shakespeare Without Voice.” CLIFF Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2017.
Gamble, Joseph. “Private Desires: Malbecco and Early Modern Sexual Interiority.” Ohio State University, Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association Conference, October 2015.
Gamble, Joseph. Was Malbecco Always a Goat? Transforming Bodies, Cornell University, April 2017.
Gligorijevic, Kosta. “Digital Humanities and the propagation of political ideas: a case study.” Early Modern Works by and about Women: Genre and Method Conference, McGill University, November 4th 2016.
Gligorijevic, Kosta. “Digital humanities tools and the transmission and propagation of political ideas.” How to do Things with Millions of Words Conference, University of British Columbia, November 3rd 2016.
Gligorijevic, Kosta. “Investigating Early Modern Ideas on Gender Using the DREaM Database.” Poster presentation given at the annual Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School, Trier, Germany, 28 September – 3 October 2015.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “An Imaginary Animal and Its Doubles: Michał Boym’s Sumxu in Replication,” Annual Conference of the Universities Art Association of Canada; Panel: Of Diptychs, Doubles and Mirrors: Towards a Theory of Twoness, Montreal, October 2016.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Connoisseurship as a Dialogic Process: The Kunstkammer of Sigismund III Vasa.” The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America; Panel: Collecting and the Patron’s Input, Boston, March 2016.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Converting Histories: Baltic Amber in the Medici Collections.” Annual Meeting of the Sixteenth Century Society; Panel: Early Modern Conversions, New Orleans, October 2014.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Homecoming of the Exotic: Oriental Rugs at the Vasa Courts in Poland-Lithuania.” European Courts in a Globalized World 1400-1700. Centro de História de Além‐Mar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, November 2013.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Of Mixed Origins: Michał Boym’s Flora Sinensis and the Circulation of Images,” Making Worlds: Art, Materiality and Early Modern Globalisation, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, April 2017.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Stabilising Polish-Lithuanian Kingship: Carpet as Publicity.” Graduate and Postdoctoral Symposium, Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University, Montreal, February 2014.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “‘Tears Hardened by the Sun’: On Amber’s Cross-Cultural Fluidity.” 41st AAH Annual Conference; Panel: Flow in World Art (1500-1750), Sainsbury Institute for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, April 2015.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “‘Tears Hardened by the Sun’: The Discursive Lives of Baltic Amber in Italy.” CAA 103rd Annual Conference; Panel: Early Modern Cross-Cultural Conversions, New York City, February 2015.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Thinking through the Periphery: Masquerading as a Pole in the Dutch Republic,” 48th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies; Panel: Horizontal Art History / Global Perspectives: The Work and Legacy of Piotr Piotrowski, Washington DC, November 2016.
Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Vertiginous Carpets: The Unstable Confluence of Nationality and Textiles.” Internationales Doktorandenforum Kunstgeschichte des östlichen Europas / First International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History. Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, May 2014.
Hamman, Grace. “Humility in The Showings of Julian of Norwich.” International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 11-14, 2017.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Arab Adaptation of Shakespeare as Cultural Conversion.” In the Summer Research Seminar Participants’ Presentation. Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. May 25, 2016.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Adaptation as Conversion: A Comparative Reading of Sulayman Al-Bassam’s The Al-Hamlet Summit.” In the seminar “Hamlet: Shifting Perspectives.” Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 8, 2017.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Adaptation as Conversion: A Reading of Sulayman Al-Bassam’s The Al-Hamlet Summit.” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention, Baltimore, MD. March 23, 2017.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Contemporary Arab Adaptations of Shakespeare as CulturalReversal of the Early Modern Pattern of Representation.” The New Scholars Symposium in Early Modern Literature and Culture. Bates College, Lewiston, ME. September 26, 2016.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Dearly Arabized Shakespeare: Emotional Conversion and Reappropriation in the History of Arab Adaptations of Shakespeare.” Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History conference. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. March 2nd, 2016.
Hannachi, Madiha. ““Pattern’d by that the poet here describes”: Arab Adaptation of Shakespeare as Reversal of the Early Modern Pattern of Representation.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. May 25, 2016.
Hannachi, Madiha. “Reversal of the Early Modern Pattern of Representation in Contemporary Arab Adaptations of Shakespeare.” World Shakespeare Congress. Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon. August 1st, 2016.
Hatter, Jane. “Plorer, gemir, crier: Musical Mourning and the Composer.” Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Newberry Library, Chicago, 23 January 2014; Spring Meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society at Providence College, 3 May 2014.
Heminger, Anne. “Catholic Liturgy as Protestant Drama? Music and Reform in John Bale’s God’s Promises.” Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 28 – 30 January 2016.
Heminger, Anne. “Listening to Reform: Music and Religious Identity in the Parish Churches of London, 1545–1553.” 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 12 – 15 May 2016.
Heminger, Anne. “Negotiating Edward VI’s Reformation: Music and Religious Change in the Parish Churches of London, 1547–1553.” Paper presented at the 45th Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, July 4–8, 2017.
Heminger, Anne. “Politicizing Ritual: Processions and the Contestation of Public Space under Mary I of England.” Paper presented at the Politics of Conversion III workshop in Mexico City, March 8–11, 2017.
Hines, Jessica. “Chaucerian Compilations and the History of the Book.” Triangle Book History Symposium. National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, April 2017.
Hines, Jessica. “Identifying Suffering: Changing Models of Compassion and Identification in Fifteenth-Century England.” International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 11-14, 2017.
Hoffmann, George. “Capturing the Ear.” Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, Vancouver, October, 2015.
Hoffman, George. “From Communion to Communication.” The University of Virginia, February, 2014, and, the Renaissance Society of America Conference, New York, March, 2014.
Hoffman, George. “Judging the Reformation, 1561-5: Montaigne and Toleration (II.19),” Conference on “Penser/Agir–Thought and Action in the Renaissance,” University of Chicago, Chicago, March 2017.
Hoffman, George. ”Montaigne and the Politics of Religious Toleration,” Stegman Memorial Lecture, Ball State University, Muncie, April 2017.
Hoffman, George.. “Montaigne: Arch-Catholic and Crypto Protestant,” University of Chicago, Chicago, March 2017.
Hoffman, George. “Post-Secular Studies: Asad for the Sixteenth Century,” Panel on ”Humanism and Antihumanisms: Confrontations between Early Modernity and the Present,” Modern Languages Association, Philadelphia, January 2017.
Israeli, Yanay. “The Republic and Its Enemies: Tyrants and Conversos in the Time of Alfonso de Palencia” International Conference of the Center of the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 26 May 2014.
Jouve Martín, José Ramón. “Drama, trauma y conversión en La Conquista de México de Fernando de Zárate.” Congress of Universitas Castellae International Congress Valladolid, Spain, 25 – 27 June 2015.
Jouve Martín, José Ramón. “The Emperor is Dead: The Theatricalization of Power and the Politics of Conversion in the Royal Funerals for Charles V.” Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities, Canadian Comparative Literature Association, Brock University, 25 May 2014.
Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Fashioning Livonia with the Wealth of the World: The Brotherhood of the Black Heads and Reval’s Artistic Landscape.” Global, Glocal, and Local: Distinction and Interconnection in the Baltic States, Association of the Advancement of Baltic Studies Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 26 – 28 May 2016.
Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Seaside Ambitions & Port Town Pride: the Tallinn Brotherhood of the Black Heads as Patrons of Art.” Session: Maritime Connections and Medieval Art, sponsored by the International Center of Medieval Art Student Committee, International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 8 July 2014.
Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Success, Salvation, and Servitude: Tallinn’s Brotherhood of the Black Heads and their Relationship with Local and Regional Saint Cults.” Session: Mighty Protectors for the Merchant Class: Saints and Intercessors between the Wealthy and the Divine, International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA, 15 May 2015.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited lectures (5): “The Thought of Richard Hooker,” Robert Crouse Seminars, St Thomas’s, Huron Street, Toronto. May 2017.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited paper: “Paul’s Cross and the Reformation Culture of Persuasion in Early Modern London,” Reformation and the City Conference, sponsored jointly by McGill Centre for Research on Religion and Concordia University Department of Theology. May 2017.
Kirby, Torrance. Conference paper: “Supreme Governess: Richard Hooker’s Doctrine of the Royal Supremacy,” Politics of Conversion Conference, Early Modern Conversions, SSHRC Partnership, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City [presented by Dr Stephen Wittek]. March 2017.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited paper: “The Cosmographic Mystery: Johannes Kepler’s conversion of astronomy,” Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England: Literature and Natural Philosophy Colloquium, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge. March 2017.
Kirby, Torrance. Conference paper: “Paul’s Cross and the Politics of Conversion in Tudor England.” SSHRC Partnership Workshop, “Politics of Conversion,” McGill University. June 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Conference paper: “Converting the Affections: Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of the‘ publique duties of religion’.” SSHRC Partnership Workshop,“Early Modern Conversions,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. May 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Roundtable: “Torrance Kirby as Desiderius Erasmus in conversation with Paul Yachnin as Benedict Spinoza, and José-Juan Lopez-Portillo as Aurelius Augustine.” SSHRC Partnership Workshop, “Early Modern Conversions,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. May 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited paper: “Mirifica commutatio: the economy of salvation in Reformation theology.” Conference on “Change and Exchange at the Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England” hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge. April 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited lecture: “Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in Early Modern England.” Committee on the Study of the Reformation, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, Poland. March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Conference paper: “Translatio imperii et fidei: Salvation History and the Colonial Missionary Project in the New World.” Collaboratory at the Centre for the History of the Emotions, University of Western Australia, Perth. March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited paper: “ Sensuous Elizabethan worship: Richard Hooker’s defence of the‘ sensible excellencie’ of the ‘publique duties of religion’.” Conference on Moving Minds: converting cognition and emotion in history, hosted by Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Invited lecture: “Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in Tudor England.” School of Humanities, Theology, and History. University of Auckland, New Zealand. February 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Keynote Address: “Faith and Works: Martin Luther and Richard Hooker on Two Kinds of Righteousness,” Ninth Annual Meissen Conference, Cambridge, UK. January 2016.
Kirby Torrance. Chair of Reading Group: The Enchiridion militis Christiani of Desiderius Erasmus. Early Modern Conversions Research Partnership. January-March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Chair of Reading Group: The Thought of Richard Hooker (1554-1600). Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge. January-March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. “Paul’s Cross and the Politics of Conversion in Tudor England.” SSHRC Partnership Workshop, “Politics of Conversion,” McGill University, June 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. “Mirifica commutatio: the economy of salvation in Reformation theology.” Change and Exchange at the Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England conference hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge, April 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. Conference participant: “Rhetoric, the Public Square, and Political Theology from the Middle Ages to Early Modernity.” Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, Poland, March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. “Translatio imperii et fidei: Salvation History and the Colonial Missionary Project in the New World.” Collaboratory at the Centre for the History of the Emotions, University of Western Australia, Perth, March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. “Sensuous Elizabethan worship: Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of the ‘publique duties of religion’.” Invited paper at the Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2 – 4 March 2016.
Kirby, Torrance. “Cognition and Action: Conversion and ‘Virtue Ethics’ in the Commonplaces of Peter Martyr Vermigli.” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, BC October 2015.
Kirby, Torrance (roundtable chair). “Sixteenth-Century Theology in England and Its Afterlives.” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, BC, October 2015.
Kirby, Torrance. “The ‘Silenus of Alcibiades’: Erasmus on conversion in the Enchiridion (1503).” Panel on Reason and the Emotions, Beijing Forum, University of Peking, Beijing, China, November 2014.
Kirby, Torrance. “The hermeneutics of the culture of persuasion: John Jewel at Paul’s Cross.” Conference keynote lecture, Sarum College, Salisbury, England, September 2014.
Laucirica, Francisco, and Jason R. Young, “Mapping Early Modern Lima: Cities as Theaters of Convention,” Abiding Cities, Remnant Sites, New York, USA, November 13, 2014.
Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Dynamic Conversions: Grief and Joy in George Herbert’s Musical Verse.” Presented on 25 May 2016 at the Early Modern Conversions Project Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Converting Grief and Joy through Music in George Herbert’s verse,” Politics of Conversion Workshop, Early Modern Conversions Project, University of Warwick (Coventry, 22 July, 2015).
Lewton-Brain, Anna. “‘My heart stands armed in mine ear’: Musical Conversions of Metaphysical Verse and the Penetrating Powers of Sound.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, McGill University (Montreal, 21 August, 2014).
Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Artificial Sweeteners: Affect and Artifice in English Reformation Devotional Poetry and Song.” Presented on 21 June 2014 at a roundtable session on the Artifices of Nature at the Montreal Baroque Festival, sponsored by Early Modern Conversions, Montreal, QC.
Linwick, Sarah. “Forms of Conversion in John Fletcher’s The Island Princess” Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting, 12 April 2014.
Long, Kathleen. “The Aesthetics of Violence in the Seventh Tale of François de Rosset’s Histoires tragiques and in Jules Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly’s “Une page d’histoire.” Conference on The Dark Thread: From Histoires tragiques to Gothic Novel at the University of Virginia, 25 March 2016.
Long, Kathleen. “From Monstrosity to Abnormality: Montaigne, Canguilhem, Foucault,” for a panel on Antihumanism from the Perspective of Early Modern Humanism: Normality, Belief, and Artistic Agency, at the Modern Language Association Convention, January 6, 2017.
Long, Kathleen. “The Limits of Knowledge: Disability and Monstrosity in Early Modern France.” Prefiguring “Disability” in Renaissance France, Modern Language Association Convention, 7 January 2016.
Long, Kathleen. “Monsters and Modernity.” Renaissance Society of America conference, Berlin, 27 March 2015.
Long, Kathleen. “The Monstrous Other: Corporeal Difference as Supplement in Early Modern France.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, New Orleans, 16 – 19 October 2014.
Long, Kathleen. “Queer Geographies in Les Tragiques.” Epic Geographies conference, New York University, 16 April 2016.
Long, Kathleen. “Using Cruelty to teach Empathy in Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques.” Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2 – 4 March 2016.
Long, Kathleen. “Women Who Degenerate into Men: The Story of Iphis in Early Modern Science.” Metamorphosis, Transformation, and Conversion: A Symposium on Ovid, Lyly, and Benserade, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 29 January 2016.
Macdonald, Robin. “‘I wrote to you from the sea’: Landscapes, Travelling Narratives, and Seventeenth-Century Missionaries to New France” Early Modern Catholicism Network, Oxford, 31 May 2014.
Macdonald, Robin. “‘You will see a living martyr’: Sensory Exchanges across the Seventeenth-Century French Atlantic World” Society for the Study of French History conference, Durham, UK, 10-12 July 2014.
Marshall, Peter. ”The Faith of William Shakespeare.” Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Stratford. 20 May 2017. (Keynote).
Marshall, Peter. Invited plenary speaker at conference on “L’Europe et la Réforme.” University of Luxembourg. 25 April 2017.
Marshall, Peter. Keynote lecture at ”Society for Reformation Studies Conference.” University of Hull. 4 April 2017.
Marshall, Peter. “Luther Among the Catholics, 1520-2015” at “Martin Luther and Catholic Theology,” St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, May, 2015
Marshall, Peter. “Henrician Oath-Taking”, at Worshop on “The Politics of Conversion”, University of Warwick, July 2015
Marshall, Peter. “When?”, at EMC Annual Team Meeting, University of Cambridge, July 2015
Marshall, Peter. “The Birthpangs of Catholic England.” at Conference on “Early Modern Catholics in the British Isles and Europe.” University of Durham. July 2015 (Keynote).
Marshall, Peter. “The Destruction of the Shrine.” at Symposium on St Thomas Becket. Lambeth Palace. May 2016.
Marshall, Peter. “Writing the English Reformation,” at Symposium on “Literature and Faith in Early Modern England,” Lincoln College, Oxford, July 2016.
Marshall, Peter. “Changing Identities in the English Reformation.” at Conference on “Communities and Society in Early Modern Britain and Ireland.” Nottingham Trent University. July 2016. (Keynote).
Marshall, Peter. Reformation Studies Colloquium, Cambridge. Joint paper with John Morgan, and Roundtable to mark retirement of Eamon Duffy, 10-12 Sep. 2014.
Marshall, Peter. Paper at Sixteenth Century Society Conference, New Orleans, 18 Oct. 2014.
Marshall, Peter. Keynote speaker at conference on Martin Luther and Catholic Theology, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, 15-17 May 2015.
Marshall, Peter. Keynote speaker at conference on Early Modern Catholics in the British Isles and Europe, Ushaw College, Durham, 1-3 July 2015.
Marshall, Peter. “Talking Religion in Elizabethan England.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2013.
Masse, Isabelle. “Une pratique protophotographique en texte et en image: les publicités et portraits de Gerrit Schipper en Amérique du Nord (1802–1810).” International Association of Word and Image Studies (IAWIS), Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 13 July 2017.
Masse, Isabelle. “Immortalizing Presences: Gerrit Schipper’s Proto-Photographic Portraits in America (1802–1810).” Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (NCSA), Charleston, SC, 4 February 2017.
Masse, Isabelle. “Entre pastel et photographie: les portraits de Gerrit Schipper au Bas-Canada (1808–1810).” Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC), Montreal, 30 October 2016.
Masse, Isabelle. “Mediating through Visual Form: Louis Tocqué’s Queenly Portraits in France, Russia and Denmark.” 14th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2015.
McCracken, Peggy. “Acteon and His Dogs,” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2017.
Morgan, Paige. “The religious and economic resonances in Edward Young’s Night Thoughts.” American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies annual meeting, Williamsburg, VA, March 2014.
Muckart, Heather. “Doubling and Distortion in Henry Holland’s Heroologia Anglica.” Early Modern Conversions II. Sixteenth Century Society Annual Conference. New Orleans, October 2014.
Mullaney, Steven. “Author Meets Critics.” Invited participation in session devoted to The Reformation of Emotions in the Age of Shakespeare at the “Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History” conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2 – 4 March 2016.
Mullaney, Steven. “‘Do You See This?’ The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy.” Talk delivered at MLA 2016, Austin TX.
Mullaney, Steven. “The Conversion of the Jews: Embodied Memory in London.” Talk delivered at SAA 2015, Vancouver, BC, 3 April 2015.
Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy,” talk delivered at the University of Notre Dame, March 2016.
Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy.” Talk delivered at “Shakespeare’s First Folio,” Wayne State, March 2016.
Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy,” talk delivered at Washington College, Sept. 2015.
Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Robert Hooke, Experimental Philosophy of Air, and Architecture.” New Insights Conference, SAHGB, Society of Antiquaries, London, 23 January 2016.
Nasifoglu, Yelda. “The Analogical Correspondence Between Robert Hooke’s Natural Philosophical Work and Architectural Practice.” Scientiae Conference, University of Toronto, 29 May 2015.
Noble, Rebecca. “Madness and selfhood in Bourbon Mexico (1700-1808)”, Moving Minds: converting cognition and emotion in history, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2-4th March.
Noble, Rebecca. “Madness, emotional regimes and governance in the Bourbon Mexican missions”, Emotions: Movement, Cultural Contact and Exchange, 1100-1800, Freie Universität Berlin, 30 June – 2 July 2016.
Noble, Rebecca. “Missionary Madness in Bourbon Mexico.”, Medicine in its Place: Situating Medicine in Historical Contexts, University of Kent, Canterbury 7-10 July 2016.
Noble, Rebecca. “Madness and Selfhood: Creating ‘Docile Vassals’ in Bourbon Mexico”, Religion and Medicine: healing the body and soul from the middle ages to the modern day, Birkbeck, University of London, 15-16 July 2016.
Nygren, Catherine. “Text Mining Early Modern Travel Writing.” EMC 2016 Team Meeting, Ann Arbor, 27 May 2016.
Paris, Jamie. “Marlowe and Religious Conversion.” Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting, April 2014.
Parker, Eric. “Christ is the ‘Sun in the sun’: Peter Sterry and the Coincidence of Opposites.” The Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, BC. 24 October, 2015.
Parker, Eric. “’Good Old Father’ Dionysius: Sixteenth Century Protestant Reception of the Pseudo-Areopagite.” The Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, BC. 24 October, 2015.
Piana, Marco. “Crosses in the Sky: Sacred and Demonic Prophecy in Gianfrancesco Pico’s Staurostichon.” Annual meeting for the Renaissance Society of America. Boston, MA, 31 March – 3 April 2016.
Piana, Marco. “Converting Demons: Gianfrancesco Pico and the Neoplatonic Heresy.” Paper presented at the Early Modern Conversions Annual Meeting 2014, Montreal, Quebec, August 21-23, 2014.
Piana, Marco. “Fallax Babylon: Aesthetic Paganism, Demonization and Conversion in Gianfrancesco Pico’s De Venere et Cupidine Expellendis.” Paper presented at the XVI Century Society and Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16-19, 2014.
Piana, Marco. “Divinae Pulchritudinis Imago: Lucrezia Marinella’s Neoplatonic virtues in Le nobiltà et Eccellenze delle Donne.” Paper presented at the CSIS Annual Conference, Sorrento, Italy, June 19 – 22, 2015.
Risler, Alexis. “From Vocal to Instrumental: stretto fuga in the lute fantasies of Albert de Rippe.” Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 9 July 2015.
Risler, Alexis. “From Vocal to Instrumental: stretto fuga in the lute fantasies of Albert de Rippe.” American Musicological Society annual meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 15 November 2015.
Risler, Alexis. “Le passage du vocal à l’instrumental : le stretto fuga dans les fantaisies pour luth d’Albert de Rippe.” Music Graduate Students Society Symposium, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montréal, 15 March 2015.
Risler, Alexis. “Livres de luth, dédicaces et jeux de coulisses en France au début du 17e siècle.” 85e congrès de l’ACFAS, Université McGill, Montréal, 12 Mai 2017.
Rubright, Marjorie. “Trans * Sporades: The Queer Archipelago of John Florio’s Worlde of Wordes.” Transforming Bodies, Cornell University, April 2017.
Rubright, Marjorie. “Trans*: The Queer Case of Florio’s Worlde of Wordes.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting and Conference, University of Michigan, May 2016.
Rubright, Marjorie. “Lexicography without Language: The ‘weake Lyst of a Countreyes fashion’.” Shakespeare Association of America, Seminar Participant: Shakespeare and the Dictionary, New Orleans, LA., March 2016.
Sabourin, Charlotte. “Kant’s Differentiated Enlightenment: Is the Conversion of Women Possible?” Politics of Conversion III, Early Modern Conversions Project, CIDE, March 10th, 2017.
Sagrans, Jacob. “‘What England Has Done for a Thousand Years’: Medievalism in the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s College, Cambridge.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society, Vancouver, November 5, 2016.
Scott, Braden, L. “An Architectural Star: The Roman Colosseum Across Media.” Paper presented at the Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2017.
Scott, Braden, L. “Building Spaces for the Gods: Maerten van Heemskerck’s Mythic Mediterranean Architecture,” Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America conference, Chicago, IL, March 2017.
Scott, Braden L. “Mediating Desire: An Air of the Erotic in Byzantine Classicism.” Paper presented at the Canadian Conference of Medieval Art Historians, St. Catharines, ON, March 2017.
Searle, Alison. ‘Interpreting the Event: Baptism, Conversion and Community in Commonwealth England’. Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. 26 August 2017.
Searle, Alison. ‘Religious Dissent in Early Modern Britain’. Work in Progress Seminar Series. CRASSH. University of Cambridge. 15 May 2017.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Alchemy at Meissen, Or How China Became china (and Europe Transmuted the World).” Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Panel: “Science, Chymistry, and Commerce in Early Modern Europe”), Berlin, March 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Alchemy at Meissen: On the Conversion of Matter, the Transmutation of China, and the (Re)Orientation of the World.” Public lecture presented for the “Material and Visual Worlds” series (Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence), Binghamton University, NY, May 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Alchemy in the Contact Zone: Materials, Mediations, Transformations.” Keynote lecture delivered at the Collaboratory, “Shaping the Modern: Emotions, Materiality and Transformations in the Colonial Contact Zone” (Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia), Perth, Australia, March 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Asia > Amsterdam: Luxury in the Golden Age.” Concluding and summary remarks presented at the symposium “Asia > Amsterdam: Luxury in the Golden Age,” The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, November 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Asia in Amsterdam: Perceptions of the East in the West.” Public lecture delivered at the Dutch National Museum addressing the international exhibition Asia > Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, November, 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Collecting the Early Modern World.” Keynote address delivered at the conference “On Nearness, Order, and Things: Collecting and Material Culture, 1400 to Today,” Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies and the Northrup Frye Centre, University of Toronto, April 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Dikes and Dunes: On Dutch History and Dutchness.” Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap), Amsterdam, November 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Emotional Porcelain.” Paper presented to the collaborative seminar “Emotions: Change and Meaning” (Australia Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, 1100 – 1800), University of Melbourne, Australia, March 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “The European Transmutation of China: Alchemy, Asia, and the Transformation of the Modern World.” Public lecture presented for the One Asia Forum Series, University of British Columbia (Asian Studies), Vancouver, BC, October 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“Form, Meaning, Furniture: On Exotic Images, Everyday Objects, and Transmediations.” Paper presented at the conference “Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit” (Panel: “Dinge als Ko-Akteure des Sozialen? Materielle Praktiken in der Frühen Neuzeit”), Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschland [Association of Historians of Germany], Munich, September 2013.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“The Global and the Local: Worldliness, Commerce, and the English Constitution.” Presented (invited commentary) at the workshop “Global Determinants of the English Constitution” (Leverhulme Trust, UK, and Duke University), Durham, NC, April 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “The Global Historiographical Perspective in the World Today.” Panel discussion with Nezar AlSayyad, Suzanne Marchand, Anand Yang, and Shundana Yusuf. Conference of the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative (GAHTC), University of Washington, Seattle, October 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Gulliver’s Scruples and Visions of Empire.” Paper presented at the international conference “Visions of Empire in Dutch History, 1500-2000,” Leiden University, The Netherlands, September 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Gulliver’s Scruples: On the Production of Apostasy and the Objects of Encounter in the Early Modern World.” Paper presented at the conference ‘Objets nomades: Circulations, appropriations et identités à l’époque moderne, XVI-XVIIIe siècles’ (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle [Paris III] and Musée National de la Renaissance), Paris, March 2017.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “How to Argue with Furniture: Making Global Knowledge circa 1700.” Colloquium of the Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age, University of Amsterdam, May 2013.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “How Desks Declaim and Porcelain Preaches: On the Transmission of Knowledge and the Material Arts in Early Modern Europe.” Paper presented at the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG Colloquium: “Art and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe”), Berlin, September 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Iconoconfusion! (A complex tale of visual culture and conversion.)” Paper presented at the workshop “Early Modern Conversions” (panel: “Visual Culture”), Institute for the Humanities and Department of English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Inventing Exoticism.” Master class directed for the Graduate School of Humanities, Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam (Department of Art and Culture, History, and Antiquity), Amsterdam, November 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“The Invention of the Exotic and the Lure of History: An Intersecting Narrative.” Seminar presentation to the Brown University “Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Program” (REMS Graduate Seminar), Providence, RI, April 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Inventing Exoticism.” Master class directed for the Graduate School of Arts and Science / “Material and Visual Worlds” (Binghamton University Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence), Binghamton, NY, May 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Lear’s Conversion of Kind: Moving Minds and Souls in Shakespeare.” Panel (keynote address) moderated at the conference “Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History,” Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, March 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“Making China/china: Global Space and Material Things in the Early Modern World.” Paper presented at the conference “The Global Lowlands in the Early Modern Period” (Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, Brown University), Providence, RI, April 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Making China: Material Arts, Geographic Knowledge, and the Global Spaces of Ceramics.” Comini Lecture presented at the Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, December 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Material Arguments on Material Arts: Ornamental Things and Their Artful Arguments.” Paper presented to the Department of History and Civilization Colloquium, European University Institute, Florence, November 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Material and Meaning in Meissen: On the Reinvention of Hard-Paste Porcelain and its Global Significance.” Public lecture delivered to the Graduate School of Humanities, Vrij Universiteit, Amsterdam, November 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Media Matter: Changing and Exchanging China.” Paper presented at the conference “Change and Exchange: Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England,” Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and Trinity Hall College, University of Cambridge, UK, April 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “The Objects of Emotion.” Master class directed (with Paul Yachnin) for the Australia Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, 1100 – 1800, University of Melbourne, Australia, March 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “On Replication and Stereotype: Mediating the World.” Paper presented at the symposium “Agents of Contact: Books and Print between Cultures in the Early Modern Period,” City College of New York (CUNY), September 2015.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“Oriental Despots on Ornamental Desks: On Dutch Geography, the ‘Decorative’ Arts, and the Production of the Exotic World.” Paper presented at the conference “Transmitting Knowledge in the Dutch World, 1600-1800” (Queen Wilhelmina Workshop, Columbia University), New York, NY, December 2013.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Pictures and Things: Asian Luxuries in the Golden Age.” Keynote address delivered at the Public Study Day, “Consuming Luxury in Amsterdam,” The Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, April 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Space as Thing.” Paper presented to the Society of Scholars Interdisciplinary Seminar, Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, October 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “St. Francis Xavier and the Conversion [sic] of China: A Porcelain Story.” Paper presented at the conference “The Politics of Conversion [II],” Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas and the Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University, Montreal, June 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin.“Things on the Edge: Materiality and Early Modern Trade Networks.” panel comment presented at the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (University of Toronto), Toronto, May 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Theaters of Conversion.” Closing remarks (and roundtable discussant) at the conference “Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses” (Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University), University of Toronto, October 2014.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “Using Pictures.” Response and comment presented at the UW Colloquium (“The Qianlong Emperor as Epigone: Battle Prints from the Mongolian Wars of 1755-1760”), University of Washington, Seattle, October 2016.
Schmidt, Benjamin. “A Wine Pot, Not: Material (and Global) Conversions of the Early Modern World.” Paper presented at the workshop “Early Modern Conversions: Religions, Cultures, Cognitive Ecologies III” (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities [CRASSH]), University of Cambridge, UK, July 2015.
Schubert, Peter, and Julie Cumming E. “Another Lesson from Lassus.” Society for Music Theory annual meeting, Milwaukee, 9 November 2014.
Schubert, Peter and Julie Cumming E. “‘Maintaining a Point’: Repeated Motives over an Equal-Note cantus firmus from Josquin to Monteverdi.” Society for Music Theory Conference, Vancouver, BC, November 4, 2016.
Sims, Taylor. “Late Medieval English Women and the Material Culture of Devotion.” The Material, Ephemeral, and Religious Self. Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies. Ann Arbor, September 2016.
Sims, Taylor. “Sisters and Sororal Bonds in Late Medieval London Wills.” International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 2017.
Sinclaire, Stefan. “Voyant Tools: Elements of a Text Analysis and Visualization Platform” Invited Keynote. Prague, Czech Republic, July 9, 2016.
Sinclair, Stéfan, “Attention à l’intervalle : de l’archive à l’analyse” (Re)constituer l’archive, Concordia University, March 27, 2015.
Sinclair, Stéfan “D’une pierre deux coups : Vers une intégration des plateformes de diffusion et d’analyse dans Voyant Tools” Université de Montréal, April 22, 2015.
Smith, Helen. ‘“May I be so converted?”: Theatre and Theology in Shakespearean Conversions’, Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Bruges, August 2016.
Smith, Helen.‘Substantial Conversions: Desiring and Directed Materials in Early Modern England’, Renaissance Society of America, Berlin, March 2015.
Smith, Helen. “‘Tolle, lege”’: Conversion and the Book in Early Modern England’, SHARP 2014: Religions of the Book, Antwerp, September 2014.
Smith, Justin E. H. “The Life and Work of Anton Wilhelm Amo (c. 1703 – c. 1753).” Colloquium on Anton Wilhelm Amo, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. 5 July, 2016.
Smith, Justin E. H. “The ‘Hard Problem’ of Comparative Intellectual History: The Case of India and Europe.” Meeting of the Science in the Ancient World Research Group, ‘Historiography of Comparison and Historiography of Circulation’, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7. 20 May, 2016.
Smith, Justin E. H. “‘That peculiar guiding and guardian spirit’: Nature and Ingenium after Descartes.” ‘Descartes and Ingenium’: A Symposium of the ERC Project ‘Genius Before Romanticism’, Centre for Research in the Arts and Sciences, Cambridge University, UK. 14-15 March, 2016.
Smith, Justin E. H. “What Is a World? Counterfactuals, Possibility, and Science Fiction in Early Modern Philosophy.” Colloquium Series of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. 17 February, 2016.
Smith, Justin E. H. “La race dans les ‘systèmes de la nature’.” Séminaire de philosophie de biologie, Institut d’Histoire de la Philosophie, des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris. 6 October, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Is Western Philosophy a 19th-Century Invention? Historiography and Boundary-Policing from the Encyclopédie to Hegel.” Colloquium Series of the Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 11 September, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “What Is a Fossil? Teleology, Natural Order and the Knowability of the Past.” Colloquium Series of the Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney, Australia. 2 September, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Leibniz as Prospector.” Workshop on Natural History, Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney, Australia. 16 August, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Two Concepts of Race in Early Modern Natural Philosophy.” Colloquium Series of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney, Australia. 15 August, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Must One Be a Christian to Be a Philosopher? Some Early Modern Arguments about Indigenous Knowledge Traditions.” Working Group of the Early Modern Conversions Project, Cambridge University, UK. 24-28 July, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Is ‘Non-Western Philosophy’ a 19th-Century Invention?” Meeting of the International Association for Science and Cultural Diversity, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France. 11 July, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “What Do Historians of Philosophy Study? Some Methodological Problems in Defining a Corpus without Boundaries.” Historiography Seminar of the Science in the Ancient World ERC Project, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France. 28 June, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Race, genus, Geschlecht: Leibniz sur les séries de générations,” 2nd Brussels Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 6 May, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Are We Joining a Tradition When We Study the History of Philosophy?” Rethinking the Canon: A Session of the Modern Philosophy Society, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. 4 April, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference.” Les entretiens HPS de Paris Diderot, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, February 20, 2015. 20 February, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Thinking from Traces: Steno’s Palaeontology .” International confernce on Nicolaus Steno, Institut des Études Avancées, Paris. 13 February, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Who Is a Philosopher? Historical, Anthropological, and Cognitive Dimensions of a Vaguely Defined Vocation.” Keynote Lecture, Conference on Cognition and Emotions in History, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 3-4 March, 2016.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Do Animals Have Free Speech? Baylean Reflections on the Metaphysics and Politics of Human Exceptionalism.” Pierre Bayle Annual Lecture, Pierre Bayle Stifting, Rotterdam, Netherlands. [Tentative title.] November, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “The History of Philosophy in Six Types.” Keynote Lecture, “‘History of Failed Synthesis’: Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy, University of Turin, Italy. 12-13 November, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Philosophy as a Way of Life: Not Only for the Ancients.” Sydney Ideas Lecture Series, University of Sydney, Australia. 29 August, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Must One Be a Christian to Be a Philosopher? Some Early Modern Arguments about Indigenous Knowledge Traditions.” Working Group of the Early Modern Conversions Project, Cambridge University, UK. 24-28 July, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Is ‘Non-Western Philosophy’ a 19th-Century Invention?” Meeting of the International Association for Science and Cultural Diversity, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France. 11 July, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H.. “What Do Historians of Philosophy Study? Some
Methodological Problems in Defining a Corpus without Boundaries.” Historiography Seminar of the Science in the Ancient World ERC Project, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France. 28 June, 2015
Smith, Justin E. H. “Race, genus, Geschlecht: Leibniz sur les séries de générations,” 2nd Brussels Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 6 May, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Are We Joining a Tradition When We Study the History of Philosophy?” Rethinking the Canon: A Session of the Modern Philosophy Society, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. 4 April, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference.” Les entretiens HPS de Paris Diderot, Université Paris Diderot, Paris. 20 February, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. “Philosophia Septentrionalis: Steno and the Tradition of Nordic Natural Philosophy.” International conference on Nicolaus Steno, Institut des Études Avancées, Paris. 12 February, 2015.
Smith, Justin E. H. Leibniz and His World, a conference of the History and Philosophy of Science Program, Stanford University, 6 February, 2015.
Spiess, Stephen. “Undoing Whoredom: Terms/Language/Othello.” Shakespeare Association of America. New Orleans. LA. March 2016.
Spiess, Stephen. “The (Un)Making of English Whoredom,” Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Stanford University, March 2016.
Soranzo, Matteo. “Gianfrancesco Pico and Alchemy: Authentic Passion or Misattribution?” RSA Convention, 2017 (Chicago).
Soranzo, Matteo. “On the Eve of the Reformation: Omens and Signs at the time of Giorgione.” On the Peripheries of the Reformation: an Interdisciplinary Conference Organized by the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium. Victoria College/ University of Toronto, October 21-2, 2016.
Soranzo, Matteo. “Rethinking Early Modern Spiritualities: Three Types of Spiritual Transformation in Early Modern Italy.” Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. New Orleans, October 22-5, 2014.
Stylianou, Anastasia. Co-hosted “Bodies and Minds in the Early Modern Catholic World.” University of Warwick. 24-25th March 2017.
Sutton, John. “Beyond Episodic Memory: how interactions matter”, and “Collaborative Remembering as Skilled Action”, both at ICOM-6, the 6th International Conference on Memory, Budapest, July 17-22, 2016.
Sutton, John. “Sharing Cognitive Futures (and Pasts): small groups and shared histories”, Cognitive Futures in the Humanities conference, Helsinki, June 13-15, 2016.
Sutton, John. “Confusion and Mixture: the historicity of memory”. Invited funded keynote address at the Representation and Reality project conference on the internal senses, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 10-12, 2016.
Sutton, John. “Interdisciplinarity and cognitive history: animal spirits, memory, and emotion”. Invited keynote address at the Methods Collaboratory workshop for the Centre for the History of Emotions, Sydney, September 23-24, 2015.
Sutton, John. “Otto in the Wild: dementia and distributed cognition”, Australasian Association of Philosophy annual conference (AAP), Sydney, July 5-9, 2015.
Sutton, John and Doris J.F. McIlwain. “Emotion, Psychological Skills, and Resilience in Australian Professional Cricketers”, 5th World Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, Sydney, March 23-27, 2015.
Sutton, John. ‘Dimensions of Group Cognition’, talk at ‘Thinking about Groups’ workshop, Copenhagen, Oct 8-10, 2014
Sutton, John. ‘Otto in the Wild’, invited talk in symposium on distributed cognition at Collective Intentionality IX conference, Indiana, 10-13 September, 2014
Sutton, John. ‘Transactive Memory and Distributed Cognitive Ecologies’, presentation at Montreal summer school on web science and the mind, July 14-18, 2014
Sutton, John. ‘Instituting Minds in Distributed Cognitive Ecologies’, talk at Instituting Minds, TESIS workshop, Institute of Philosophy, Hertfordshire/ London, July 10-11, 2014
Traub, Valerie. “Anatomy, Cartography, and the Prehistory of Normality.” Transforming Bodies Conference. Cornell, April 2017.
Traub, Valerie. “Normality, c. 1600: A Visual History,” Savage Lecture, University of Mississippi, March, 2017.
Traub, Valerie. “Normality, c. 1600: A Visual History,” Geographies of Sexuality Conference, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2017.
Traub, Valerie. “Anatomy, Cartography, and the Prehistory of Normality,” Somatechnics: Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment Conference, Southern Cross University, Byron Bay, Australia, November 2016.
Traub, Valerie. “Becoming Converted: Sex, Knowledge, and the Religious Body Politic,” Shakespeare and the Body Politic Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 2016.
Traub, Valerie. “(Ab)normality,” State University of New York, Buffalo, October 2016.
Traub, Valerie. “(Ab)normal: A Prehistory,” The Abnormal Renaissance Conference, Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, June 2016.
Traub, Valerie. “Lesbian Studies in Queer Times,” Roundtable, National Women’s Studies Association, November 2015.
Traub, Valerie. “Teaching Feminist Methods: Anatomy of a Class,” Roundtable, National Women’s Studies Association, November 2015.
Traub, Valerie. “Shakespeare at the Intersection of Psychoanalysis and Queer Studies,” International Psychoanalytic Association, July 2015.
Traub, Valerie. “What Orgasmology Teaches Us about Sex: A Roundtable with Annamarie Jagose,” Modern Language Association, January 2015.
Traub, Valerie. “Remembering Patsy Yaeger: Her Work and Its Influence,” Modern Language Association, January 2015.
Chair of session, “Remembering the ‘Not Modern’ in Our Time,” Modern Language Association, January, 2015.
Tribble, E. “Acting Old Men: Youth Playing Age on the Early Modern Stage,” MLA Annual Convention, 10 January 2016.
Tribble, E. “Kinesic Intelligence on Reconstructed Stages,” paper for Shakespeare and Performance seminar, American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), Portland, Oregon, 8 November 2015.
Tribble, E. “Shakespeare’s Conversional Ecologies: Measure for Measure” (with Paul Yachnin, Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, 25 July 2015.
Tribble, E. “Elegant Heuristics—Experiments in Historical Phenomenology: Surroundings, Traverses, Depths.” Australia-New Zealand Shakespeare Association, Toowoomba, Australia, 3 October 2014.
Tribble, Evelyn. “Mindful Bodies: Tools of Transformation in Early Modern England.” University of Michigan, 14 April 2014.
Vallelly, Neil. “Way-Making at Shakespeare’s Globe.” Paper presentation at ASC Blackfriars Conference 2015, American Shakespeare Center, Staunton, VA: 28 Oct–1 November 2015.
Vallelly, Neil. “Being-in-Light at the Early Modern and Reconstructed Playhouses.” Paper presentation at Postgraduate Research Seminar, Shakespeare’s Globe: 10 December 2014.
Vallelly, Neil. “Light and Phenomenal Space in the Early Modern Playhouses.” Invited paper presentation at Queen’s University Belfast, School of English Research Seminar: 29 October 2014.
Vallelly, Neil. “Light and Phenomenal Space in the Early Modern Playhouses.” Paper presentation at ‘Shakespeare: Text, Power, and Authority,’ British Shakespeare Association Conference, University of Stirling: 3–6 July 2014.
Vallelly, Neil. “Immanence, Event, and Nighttime on Shakespeare’s Stage.” British Shakespeare Association Conference, University of Stirling, 3-6 July 2014.
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Amsterdam’s Arabized Automata.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference. Chicago. March 2017.
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Mapping Angels” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference Humboldt University, Berlin, March 2015
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Automata in the Labyrinth: Beast Machines in early modern Amsterdam” Renaissance Society of America annual conference, New York, March 2014.
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Disorientations: The Labyrinths of early modern Amsterdam.” Early Modern Orientations symposium, University of East Anglia, 17 May 2013.
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Novelty as Failure: Labyrinth Gardens in Early Modern Amsterdam.” Sixteenth-century Studies Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2013.
Vanhaelen, Angela. “Time Travel: Automata and Waxworks in the Labyrinth Gardens of Amsterdam.” College Art Association Annual Conference, New York, February 2013.
Venters, Scott. “Sovereign Bodies: Excessive Materiality and the Performance of Dis-substantiation in the Formation of the Public Sphere,” Mid-America Theatre Conference, Kansas City, MO, March, 2015.
Venters, Scott. “Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, August, 2015.
Vessey, Mark. “Ausonius at the Edge of Empire: Consular Poetics as Cognitive Improvisation.” Invited paper for a conference on “Subjects of Empire: Political and Cultural Exchange in Imperial Rome,” Department of Classics, Princeton University, 12-13 May, 2017.
Vessey, Mark. “Authorship and Pseudepigraphy: Sidonius Apollinaris at the Margins.” Invited paper for an international conference on the “Formation of European Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages,” Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, University of Vienna, 6-8 April, 2017.
Vessey, Mark. “Not-So-Strange Gods, or: Ghosts Writing the Late Classical Encyclopedia.” Invited response to a panel on “Philology’s Shadow: Theology and the Classics,” Annual Meeting of the (American) Society for Classical Studies, Toronto. 5-8 January 2017.
Venters, Scott. “The Violent Spatializing of Time: Colonizing Utopian Imaginaries in Seventeenth-Century Barbados,” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MO, May, 2016.
Vessey Mark. “How Much ‘Literature’ Is There in Late Antiquity, Anyway?” Invited keynote for the 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Late Antique Literary Studies, BrynMawr College and Harverford College, Pennsylvania. 21-22 October 2016.
Vessey, Mark. “The Renaissance of Late Antiquity in Erasmus ’Ratio seu compendium verae theologiae (1518/19).” Invited plenary paper for and international conference on “The Reception of the Church Fathers and Early Historians, c.1470-1650.” Trinity College, Cambridge. 23 September 2016.
Vessey, Mark. “Erasmus’ New Testament (1516-) as Literary-Hermeneutical Conversion Machine.” Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. March 2016.
Vessey, Mark. “A More Radical Renaissance: Erasmus’ Novum Instrumentum in Its Time and Ours.” Margaret Mann Phillips Lecture, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society. Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Boston, MA, March 2016.
Vessey, Mark. “Erasmus in Basel, 1514-1516: Crisis of a Life-Work.” Presented at EMC Annual Team Meeting, McGill University, August 2014, and as invited keynote paper at the conference Erasmus’ Edition des griechischen Neuen Testaments, Basel 1516, University of Basel, September 2014. Revised paper (“Basel 1514: Erasmus’ Critical Turn”) under consideration for conference proceedings.
Vranic, Ivana. “Christ’s Burial: A Site of Artistic, Cultural, and Religious Conversions,” Annual EMC Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 27, 2016.
Ward, Jessica D. “The Multi-Dialogic Grammar of Avarice in Book V of Gower’s Confessio Amantis.” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 11-14, 2017.
Weiss, Rachel Daphne. “Bodies (Im)material: Lo Stregozzo, The Witch, and the Copperplate Engraving.” Transforming Bodies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 21-22 April 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. “Artists and Espionage, for Entangled Worlds: Venice and the East in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries II.” Renaissance Society of America annual meeting, New York, 27-29 March 2014.
Wilson, Bronwen. Drawing the Line, Renaissance Society of America, Berlin, March 26-28, 2015.
Wilson, Bronwen. Flow, the Mobile Artist, and the Early Modern Mediterranean Urban Prospect “The ‘visual turn’ and early modern global history” Collège de France, March 10, 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. Images on the Edge: Guillaume-Joseph Grélot’s Mediterranean Travels, Renaissance Society of America, Washington DC, March 28-April 1, 2016.
Wilson, Bronwen. “Island Navigations: Marco Boschini’s engravings of Crete.” Renaissance Society of America annual meeting, San Diego, 4-6 April 2013.
Wilson, Bronwen. “Island Navigations: Marco Boschini’s engravings of Crete Rethinking Early Modernity: Methodological and Critical Innovation since the Ritual Turn.” Victoria University in the University of Toronto, 26-27 June 2014.
Wilson, Bronwen. “The Itinerant Artist and the Islamic Urban Prospect: Joseph-Guillaume Grélot’s Self-portraits in Ambrosio Bembo’s Travel Journal,” Early Modern Cosmopolitanisms, Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, January 11, 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. Lithic Conversions: Federico Barocci’s Noli me tangere in Material Conversions (organizer) Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, March 30 – April 1, 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. Lithic Conversions: Federico Barocci’s Noli me tangere, Quid est sacramentum?: On the Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700,’ Emory University, November 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. Marco Boshini’s Island Navigations Insularities Connected, Rhethymno, June 9-12, 2016, Venice Seminar, Sainsbury Institute, UEA May 16, 2015, Mapping Horizons, Shakespeare Association of America, Vancouver, April 4, 2015.
Wilson, Bronwen. Marco Boshini’s Island Navigations Insularities Connected, Rhethymno, June 9-12, 2016.
Wilson, Bronwen. Stone Matters: Sandro Botticelli and His Drawings for Dante’s Inferno Dante and the Visual Arts, CMRS, UCLA, August 22-24, 2016.
Wilson, Bronwen. Stone Matters: Sandro Botticelli’s Drawings for Dante’s Inferno and Early Modern Mining Dante and Modernity, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA, October 20-21, 2017.
Wilson, Bronwen. Stone Matters: Sandro Botticelli and His Drawings for Dante’s Commedia Renaissance Society of America, New Orleans, March 22-25, 2018.
Wittek, Stephen. “Visualizing Bardmetrics Data.” Using Data in Shakespeare Studies. Renaissance Society of America annual meeting. Vancouver, March 2015.
Wittek, Stephen. “Big Data and Renaissance Texts.” Renaissance Studies and New Technologies III: Collecting, Compiling, and Modeling. Renaissance Association of America annual meeting. Berlin, April 2015.
Wittek, Stephen, Stéfan Sinclair, Matthew Milner, “DREaM: Distant Reading Early Modernity,” Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, Australia, July 2, 2015.
Wittek, Stephen, Stéfan Sinclair, Matthew Milner, “DREaM: Distant Reading Early Modernity,” Joint CSDH/SCHN & ACH Digital Humanities Conference 2015 Ottawa, Canada, June 1-3, 2015.
Wittek, Stephen. “The Media Ecology of Early Modern London”. Cogito, Ergo Shakespeare?: Cognitive Literary Studies from the Medieval Mind to Milton’s. Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English. Ottawa, June 2015.
Wittek, Stephen. “DREaM: Distant Reading Early Modernity.” Early Modern Considerations. Canadian Society for Digital Humanities. Ottawa, June 2015.
Wittek, Stephen. “Early Modern London, Commercial Theatre, and the Possibility of Conversion.” Early Modern English Conversions and the Stage. Canadian Society of Renaissance Studies. Ottawa, June 2015.
Wittek, Stephen. “Curating the Digital Folio of Renaissance Drama for the 21st Century.” Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting, St. Louis, April 2014.
Wittek, Stephen. “Mapping Conversion in Early Modern Texts.” Canadian Society for the Digital Humanities annual meeting, St. Catherine’s, May 2014.
Wittek, Stephen. “Iterations of the Spanish Match: Conversion, News, and the Theatrical City.” Canadian Comparative Literature annual meeting, St. Catherine’s, May 2014.
Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare’s Reformations: Thinking with Conversion.” Annual Collins Lecture. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. April 23 2019.
Yachnin, Paul. “Covering for this Naked Soul:” King Lear and the Nature of Conversion.” Renaissance Conversions: Concepts, Contexts, Practices. University of Lausanne. Organized by CUSO—Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale. November 17 2018.
Yachnin, Paul. “Thinking with Conversion in Shakespeare’s Playhouse.” Annual Renaissance Lecture. Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. University of Kent. Canterbury. October 11 2018.
Yachnin, Paul. “Converting Conversion in Shakespeare and Middleton: Theatre, Religion and the Transformation of Knowledge.” Change and Exchange: A Colloquium. Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, April 29-30 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “Lear’s Conversions of Kind: Moving Minds and Souls in Shakespeare.” Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, March 2-4 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “There was earth inside them: Tragedy, Conversion, Recognition.” Tragedy, Recognition, Conversion Conference. Duke University. Oct 22 2017
Yachnin, Paul. “Periodization, Conversion, Shakespeare.” CONVERSION AS PERIODIZATION: Turns and Returns of the Past in the Worlds of Pre-Revolutionary Europe. One-day workshop at the 2017 Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. McGill University, August 24 2017.
Yachnin, Paul. “Shylock, Conversion, Toleration.” Imagining Religious Toleration Symposium. Western University, April 27 2017.
Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare and the Theatre of Freedom.” London (Ontario) Public Library. Sponsored by the Imagining Religious Toleration Symposium. Western University, April 26 2017.
Yachnin, Paul. “King Lear and the Conversions of Kind.” Session on Shakespeare and Cervantes on Conversion. Presentation on Cervantes by Michael Gerli (University of Virginia). McGill University, Oct 25 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “Playhouse Conversions.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI. May 26 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “Yorick’s Skull.” “Objects of Conversion/Objects of Emotion: A Workshop.” With Ben Schmidt. University of Melbourne, March 15 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare’s World of Conversion.” “The World of Conversion and the Conversion of the World: Shakespeare and China.” With Ben Schmidt. University of Melbourne, March 14 2016.
Yachnin, Paul. “The Soul of King Lear.” EMC Work-in-Progress series, hosted at McGill with participants in Canada, USA, England, and the Netherlands. December 3 2014.
Yachnin, Paul. “Shakespeare’s Theatre of Conversion: Animal Translations.” Boğaziçi (Bosphorus) University, Istanbul. 4 March 2014.
Young, Jason, Francisco Laucirica, Stéfan Sinclair, and José Jouve-Martin, “Visualizing Early Modern Lima—The Experiences of Lima as a Theater of Conversion,” Joint CSDH/SCHN & ACH Digital Humanities Conference 2015, Ottawa, Canada, June 1-3, 2015.