EMC Member Lectures, Workshops, and Public Exchanges

Andersen, Lisa. “Metamorphosis as a Problem of the Paragone; or, the Paragone as a Problem of Metamorphosis.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Early Modern Conversions, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Arten, Samantha. “Music Education for‘ All Sortes of People’ : Sixteenth-Century Protestantism’s Push for Musical Literacy.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, March 22, 2017.

Badir, Patricia (roundtable participant). Bloody Caesar Event with Repercussion Theatre. Montreal, 16 April 2016.

Badir, Patricia. “Conversional Ecologies, Ben Jonson and The Spanish Tragedy: A Response to Evelyn Tribble.” Second Meeting of the Early Modern Conversions Project, McGill University and the Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, August, 2014.

Badir, Patricia. English 347: Tudor Conversions. Department of English, UBC, Winter 2015.

Badir, Patricia. “Montrous Mermaids and Climate Change in Lily’s Gallatea.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Badir, Patricia. “On the Verge: the Ecologies of John Lyly’s Gallathea”, Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University, University of Toronto, Toronto, Oct. 2014.

Badir, Patricia. Transforming Midsummer Night’s Dream: A 3-day workshop on Shakespeare and transformation with Grade 6 and 7 Students at Lord Strathcona Elementary School, Vancouver, BC. (June, 5, 12, 29 2017)

Badir, Patricia. “We are now in Lincolnshire.” Metamorphosis, Transformation, and Conversion: A Symposium on Ovid, Lyly, and Benserade. Rackham School for Graduate Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 29 January 2016.

Badir, Patricia, José J. López-Portillo, Bronwen Wilson, and Stephen Wittek. “Roundtable: Place, Movement, Performance, Conversion.” Theatres of Conversion Workshop, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University, University of Toronto, 24 October 2014.

Badir, Patricia, Paul Yachnin and Deborah Hay. “Conversion and Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew.” Stratford Festival Forum Event, June 2015.

Badir, Patricia, Steven Mullaney, and Eve Preus. “The Politics of Conversion in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice.” The Politics of Conversion Workshop, Warwick University, July 2015.

Beckwith, Sarah. “King Lear and the Avoidance of Charity.” Keynote lecture at workshop on theology and tragedy, University of Edinburgh, 23 June 2015.

Beckwith, Sarah. “Late Have I Loved You.” Early Modern Conversions Team Conference, CRASSH, Cambridge University, 23 July 2015.

Beckwith, Sarah. “King Lear and the Avoidance of Charity.” Keynote Lecture for Workshop on Theology and Tragedy, University of Edinburgh, June 23, 2015.

Bullerwell, Peter. “Union and Unction in Richard Hooker’s Chalcedonian Hermeneutic: A Response to Torrance Kirby.” Presentation at the 36th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference. Sackville, NB, 12 – 15 June 2016.

Burke, Juan Luis. “Vitruvius in New Spain: The Study of an Annotated 1552 Edition and the Emergence of a New Spanish (Academic) Architectural Sphere.” Early Modern Conversions Summer Seminar. University of Cambridge, UK, 25 July 2015.

Burton, Simon J. G. “Bridging the Divide: Cusanus and Comenius on the Theological Virtues.” University of St Andrews, St Andrews, June 2016.

Burton, Simon J. G. “Contested Legacies of the Late Middle Ages: Reason, Mystery and Participation in Comenius and Baxter.” Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, August 2015.

Burton, Simon J. G. (principal organiser with the co-operation of the Centre for the Study of the Reformation and Intellectual Culture in Early Modern Europe and the Rex Nunquam Moritur research group). “Rhetoric, the Public Square and Political Theology: From the Middle Ages to Early Modernity” workshop. Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, 18 March 2016.

Burton, Simon J. G. and Michał Choptiany (seminar organizers). “The Tree of Knowledge: Theories of Sciences and Arts in Central Europe, 1400-1700.” Warsaw, June 2015.

Cochran, Zoey, Alexis Riesler, and Julie Cumming. “‘Réveillez-vous’: Chantons l’air.” Festival Montréal Baroque, 28 June 2015.

Coughlin, Rebecca. “City house / country house: Camaldolese monasteries as sites of conversion in 15th-century Florence.” Early Modern Conversions Research Workshop: Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses. Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS), Victoria University, University of Toronto, 24 Oct 2014.

Coursey, Sheila. “On the Road Again: Mystery Staging and Conversion in Henry VI Part III.” EMC speaker series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 5 February 2015.

Crover, Sarah. “The Thames Watermen: Creatures of Conversion in Early Modern London.” Presentation of Research in Progress for the Conversion Machines Collection. Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Cumming, Julie E. “Choirbooks and Partbooks: Different Formats, Different Affordances.” Duke University, Department of Music, 16 February 2016.

Cumming, Julie E. “Choirbooks and Partbooks: Different Formats, Different Affordances.” University of Florida, Gainesville, School of Music, 18 November 2015.

Cumming, Julie E. “Heavenly Music” workshop on listening to the music of William Byrd, with participation of four singers (Anna Lewton-Brain, Zoey Cochran, Daniel Donnelly, David Benson). Early Modern Conversions and the Stratford Festival, Forum Educational program, 12 June 2015.

Cumming, Julie E. “William Byrd, Catholic Composer in Protestant England.” Circus of Conversions Round Table, at the 15th Annual Montreal Baroque Festival. 24 June, Notman House, Montreal.

Cumming, Julie E. Workshop on Early Modern Listening. Conversions Team Meeting, McGill University, 23 August 2014.

Cumming, Julie E. and Paul Yachnin. Workshop on Early Modern Listening. The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 4 – 5 June 2014.

Cumming, Julie and Peter Schubert. “Improvisation in the Classroom.”  CIRMMT workshop with Robert Duke, McGill University, 17 April 2014.

Deslauriers, Marguerite. “Hot Blood, Hot Words, Hot Deeds.” Presented at the Conversion and Modernity panel discussion, McGill University, 4 April 2014.

Deslauriers, Marguerite. Workshop: Women in the History of Philosophy, 12-13 September 2014, University of Pennyslvania, Department of Philosophy.

Dhar, Amrita and John Paul Hampstead. “Hameter/Elcius: The Construction of a Jesuit Martyrology, 1580-2.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Eriks, Lauren. “Conversion, Contagion, and Concepts of Change in Shakespeare Performance Studies.” EMC speaker series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 April 2015.

Escobedo, Andrew. “On Sincere Apologies: Saying Sorry in Hamlet.” Lecture presented for the series “Conversions: Medieval and Modern.” Duke University, 30 January 2015.

Fancy, Hussein. “Cultural History as Polemic.” (Invited) at Department of History, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 15 – 16 April 2015.

Fancy, Hussein. “Monarchs and Minorities.” The Morris W. Offt Symposium, Johns Hopkins University, 5 February 2016.

Fancy, Hussein. “Muslim Agents and Aragonese Authority.” (Invited) a panel in honor of Olivia Remie Constable at The Medieval Academy of America, South Bend, Indiana, 14 March 2015.

Fancy, Hussein. “Muslim Crusaders and Other Problems: Rethinking Premodern Belief.” (Invited) Department of History Seminar Series, Johns Hopkins University, 11 March 2013.

Fancy, Hussein. “The Mercenary Mediterranean.” Public Lecture, University of Chicago, 19 May 2016.

Farrar, Maia. “Supplementing Stewards: Converting English Political Identity in The Squire of Low Degree.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Fenlon, Iain. Co-organiser and leader of a workshop on the theme ‘Music and Piety in Early Modern Europe’, in the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, University of Heidelberg, 21-22 July.

Fenlon, Iain. ‘Music and Domestic Devotion in Early Modern Venice’. Lecture (and variants) given in Universities of Heidelberg (2 February), Zürich (7 March), Venice (together with a related seminar, 26-27 May), Mainz (together with a separate seminar on Early Modern Bibliophiles and Collectionism, 26-27 June), Regensburg, 11 July).

Fenlon, Iain. Workshops in the Université Libre de Brussels (17-19 February) relating to the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project (see above), and the University of Salzburg (Early Music Printing, 5-7 May).

Finnigan, Christian. “Magisterial Conversion?: Conversion and the Role of the Magistrate in the Political Thought of Martin Bucer.” Presentation at The Politics of Conversion III. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City, Mexico, March 8-11, 2017.

Gamble, Joseph. “Gender/Sex/Conversion.” Participant in “Gender and Sex” roundtable at the Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Gamble, Joseph. “The Changeling: Conversion and Desire.” Workshop participant/archivist, Stratford, March 2017.

Gamble, Joseph. “Home Sex.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting. University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Gamble, Joseph. 􏰀Keywords for the Study of Conversion.􏰁 Session co-convened with Marjorie Rubright. Annual Meeting of the Early Modern Conversions Project, McGill University, Montreal, August 2017,

Giugni, Astrid and Will Revere (workshop leaders). “Conversions Working Group.” Duke University, October 2014 – March 2015.

Gligorijevic, Kosta. “Appeal to Authority in Renaissance and Reformation Writings on Women.” Paper presented as a part of the Digital Humanities Works in Progress series, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 18 November 2015.

Gligorijevic, Kosta. “Body Language: investigating trends in the use of body-related terms in 17th century pro-woman treatises.” Presentation given at the McGill Centre for Digital Humanities, 14 April 2015.

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Between Metamorphosis and Conversion: Baltic Amber in Italy.” Early Modern Conversions: Religions, Cultures, Cognitive Ecologies McGill University, Montreal, August 2014.

Grusiecki, Tomasz. “Lost in Translation: Baltic Carved Ambers in the Medici Collections.” La séminaire des Noveaux Modernes: groupe de recherche en histoire de l’art du Moyen âge aux Lumières, Montreal, February 2015.

Hamman, Grace. “Mary and Models of Meekness in Julian of Norwich’s Showings.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group. Duke University, April 4, 2017.

Hannachi, Madiha. “Adaptation as Conversion: The Challenges of Adapting Shakespeare in the Arab World.” Invited talk at the Shakespeare Performance and Research Team meeting. McGill University, Montreal, QC. March 29, 2016.

Hatter, Jane. “Col tempo: Reflections on Music, Art, and Sexuality.” Presented as part of “Venise et la musique” at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montréal, 15 January 2014.

Hatter, Jane Daphne, Ben Schmidt, Stephen Wittek, and Paul Yachnin. “Roundtable: “Coin, candle, china, skull: Objects of conversion.” Montreal Baroque festival, McGill University, 28 June 2015.

Hedley, Douglas. “Nathaniel Ingelo’s Bentivolio and Urania (1669): Theories of Soul and the Early Modern Novel.” Working Group on The Soul, via videolink to IPLAI, McGill University, 3 November 2014.

Hines, Jessica. “Chaucer and the Construction of English Identity: Printing Chaucer in the Early Modern Period.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, March 7, 2017.

Hines, Jessica. “Passionate Language: Transformations in the Language of Compassion in Late Medieval England.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group. Duke University, April 4, 2017.

Hoffmann, George. “Asad for the Sixteenth Century.” Early Modern Conversions Project. Institute for the Humanities, Ann Arbor, May 2016.

Hoffmann, George. “Capturing the Ear.” Early Modern Conversions Project, Cambridge, July, 2015.

Hoffmann, George. “Reconversion Tales: How to Make Sense of Lapses in Faith.” Early Modern Conversions Project, Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, Montreal, August, 2014.

Israeli, Yanay. “Framing Violence: Riots and Conversos in Castile, 1449-1477.” Lecture given at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC-CCHS), Madrid, 6 March 2014.

Joint meeting of the Duke Conversions Working Group and the Religions & Public Life Initiative at the Kenan Institute of Ethics, April 17, 2017.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón. Invited speaker: “Conversion and Modernity” roundtable, McGill University, 4 April 2014.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón. “Early Modern Cities as Theatres of Conversion: A Conceptual Approach in Trans-Atlantic Perspective.” Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses, University of Toronto, 24 – 25 October, 2014.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón. “Healers, Saints, and Doctors. Black Medical Practicioners and the Politics of Science in Colonial Lima.” Early Modern World: Works in Progress seminar, IPLAI, McGill University, 15 April 2014.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón and Stephen Wittek. “Early Modern Cities.” Early Modern Conversions: Religions, Cultures, Cognitive ecologies. Research Group Workshop, CRASSH, Cambridge University, 29 – 30 May 2014.

Jouve Martín, José Ramón, with Stéfan Sinclair, Francisco Laucirica, and Jason Young. “Lima as a theatre of conversion.” EMC Team Meeting. McGill University. Montreal, 21-23 August, 2014.

Kale, Gül. “Production of Architectural knowledge: Corporeal and Collective Experiences of the Artifacts in the Early Modern Ottoman World.” Roots and Routes III Digital Humanities workshop at the University of Toronto, 26 May to 3 June  2014.

Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Living the Brotherhood Life: Art, Ambition, and the Tallinn Brotherhood of the Black Heads.” Medieval Series, University of Michigan, 26 March 2015.

Keelmann, Lehti Mairike. “Seaside Ambitions & Port Town Pride: Investigating the Art Patronage of the Tallinn Brotherhood of the Black Heads.” Presentation at the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Fall Kick-off Event, University of Michigan, 5 September 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “Angelic Commerce: Richard Hooker on Prayer.” Invited lecture, Westcott House, Cambridge University, March 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Cognition and Action: Conversion and ‘virtue ethics’ in the Commonplaces of Peter Martyr Vermigli.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, CRASSH, Cambridge University, July 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Cognition and Action: Conversion and ‘Virtue Ethics’ in the Thought of Peter Martyr Vermigli.” Research Seminar, Works in Progress, Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University, November 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Converting the Affections: Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of the ‘publique duties of religion’.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Crossroads of Knowledge: Literature and Theology in Early Modern England.” Research Seminar, CRASSH, Cambridge University January – March 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “Erasmus on conversion in the Enchiridion.” The Early Modern World: Works in Progress seminar, Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, Early Modern Conversions Partnership, McGill University, October 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “Faith and Works: Martin Luther and Richard Hooker on Two Kinds of Righteousness.” Keynote Address, Ninth Annual Meissen Conference, Cambridge, UK, January 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in Early Modern England.” Invited lecture, Committee on the Study of the Reformation, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, Poland, March 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in Tudor England.” Invited lecture, School of Humanities, Theology, and History, University of Auckland, New Zealand, February 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Richard Hooker’s Theory of Law: an Elizabethan metaphysics of conversion.” Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, Early Modern Conversions Partnership, McGill University, November 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. Roundtable with Colm Feore and Paul Yachnin: “Souls under pressure: the theme of conversion in Shakespeare’s King Lear.” Stratford Festival Theatre, Stratford, Ontario, August 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “‘Signs are to resemble things signified’: Richard Hooker’s defence of the ‘sensible excellencie’ of the ‘publique duties of religion’.” Invited lecture, Atlantic Theological Conference, Sackville, New Brunswick, June 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “Roundtable: Torrance Kirby as Desiderius Erasmus, with Paul Yachnin as Benedict Spinoza, and José-Juan Lopez-Portillo as Aurelius Augustine.” Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 25 – 27 May 2016.

Kirby, Torrance. “The hermeneutics of conversion: from Desiderius Erasmus to Richard Hooker.” Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and the Humanities, Cambridge University, February 2015.

Kirby, Torrance. “The ‘Silenus of Alcibiades’: Desiderius Erasmus’s harnessing of the Platonic narrative of conversion in the Enchiridion.” Narrative Conversions workshop, University of York, June 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “The Soul and Conversion.” Forms of Conversion: Religion, Culture, and Cognitive Ecologies in Early Modern Europe and its Worlds, McGill University, August 2014.

Kirby, Torrance. “The ‘waies of Wisdom’: Richard Hooker’s sapiential theology.” History of Christianity Seminar, The Queens’ College, Cambridge University, February 2015.

Kirby, Torrance (chair). “The Enchiridion militis Christiani of Desiderius Erasmus” reading group. Early Modern Conversions Research Partnership, January – March 2016.

Kirby, Torrance (chair). “The Thought of Richard Hooker (1554-1600)” reading group. Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, January – March 2016.

Kirby, Torrance and Shaun Ross. “Preaching, Poetry, and the Politics of Conversion.” Politics of Conversion Workshop, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, Warwick University, July 2015.

Kohut, Sonya. “John Dee and the Mirror of Conversion.” Early Modern Conversions Project Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 25 May 2016.

Linwick, Sarah. “The Disappearance of Agnes Bowker: Reconstructing Nature in Reformation England.” EMC speaker series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 19 March 2015.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. Event Organizer for “Work and Play in the Tempest” lecture by Prof. Michael Bristol. Presented by the Early Modern Conversions Project and the Montreal Baroque Festival, at the Redpath Museum, 23 June 2016

Lewton-Brain, Anna, Catherine Motuz, Zoey Cochrane, Catherine Bahn, and Alexi Rissler. “What difference does music make? William Lawes’s setting of ‘When death shall snatch us from these kids.’” Presented at the Early Modern Conversions Project Team Meeting, CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities), Cambridge University, UK, 26 July 2015.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. (soprano) “Heavenly Music,” Workshop on listening to Renaissance polyphony, lead by Julie Cumming, Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, ON, 12 June, 2015.

Lewton-Brain, Anna. “Artificial Sweeteners: Affect and Artifice in English Reformation Devotional Poetry and Song.” Festival Baroque Montréal, 21 June 2014.

Long, Kathleen. “From Monstrosity to Postnormality: Montaigne, Canguilhem, Foucault,” for the Winthrop-King Early Modern Lecture Series (inaugural lecture), Florida State University, October 13, 2016.

Long, Kathleen. “L’épopée au feminin: Les Tragiques de Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné,” for a colloquium on Les Tragiques: 1616-2016: Littérature, Violence, et Politique, Niort, September 21-23, 2016.

Long, Kathleen. “Monstrous Knowledge in Early/ Modern France: The Case of Hermaphrodites.” Presented at the University of Indiana at Bloomington (4 September 2015) and at the University of Pennsylvania (1 October 2015).

Long, Kathleen. “Monstrous Knowledge in Early/ Modern France: The Case of Hermaphrodites.” Colloquium on Monstrous Knowledge at George Washington University, November 14, 2014. (Another version read at the University of Virginia, 16 January 2015.)

Long, Kathleen. “Montaigne’s Mercurial Masculinity.” Early Modern Conversions team meeting, 26 July 2015.

Long, Kathleen. “Non-normative Bodies and the Politics of Conversion: From Rabelais to the Island of Hermaphrodites.” The Politics of Conversion workshop, Warwick University, 22 July 2015.

Long, Kathleen. Organizer of the Transforming Bodies conference, with the Early Modern Conversions research team based at McGill University, April 21-22, 2017; fifty-two participants from major universities around Europe and North America.

Long, Kathleen. “Queer Spatialities in The Island of Hermaphrodites,” for the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, October 20, 2016.

Long, Kathleen. “Styling Sedition: Questions of Decorum in Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” keynote for a workshop on Sedition: Subversive and Controversial Literature in Europe, 1500-1700, at Durham University, UK, July 5-6, 2017.

Long, Kathleen. “Violent Words for Violent Times: Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques,” Department of Romance Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2, 2017.

López-Portillo, José-Juan. “Original Sin: Conflict, Political Illegitimacy, and the Conversion of Imperial Authority in Mesoamerica, 1519-1550.” Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University, 7 November 2013.

López-Portillo, José-Juan. “Planting the Faith: The Politics of Conversion in New Spain.” Politics of Conversion Workshop, Warwick University, 21 – 22 July 2015.

López-Portillo, José-Juan. Roundtable: “Place, Movement, Performance, Conversion.” Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses workshop, CRRS at Victoria University, University of Toronto, 24 – 25 October 2014.

Manion, Lee. “Conversion and Crusading in Early Modern England.” Lecture presented for the series “Conversions: Medieval and Modern.” Duke University, 7 November 2014.

Marshall, Peter. Keynote speaker at annual summer school of the ”Society of St Gregory.” 26 July 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Talk on the Reformation at Chalke Valley History Festival. 29 June 2017.

Marshall, Peter. Talk and book-signing at Heffers Bookshop. Cambridge, on publication of Heretics and Believers. 30 May 2017. 

Marshall, Peter.  Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies. Victoria University in the University of Toronto.  Faculty seminar and public lecture. 26-28 March 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Lecture for Historical Association. Nuneaton. 22 March 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Public lecture on Martin Luther. Derby Cathedral. 8 March 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Lecture at Miller Center. University of Maryland. 14 Feb 2017. 

Marshall, Peter. Address at annual service of commemoration for St Thomas More, St Dunstan’s Church, Canterbury, 6 July 2014.

Marshall, Peter. Live interview on BBC Radio Ulster about TV adaptation of Wolf Hall, 25 Jan 2015.

Marshall, Peter. Recorded interview for Newstalk (Ireland) on Oxford Illustrated History of the Reformation,1 Feb 2015.

Marshall, Peter. Live interview for Dublin City FM on Oxford Illustrated History of the Reformation, 9 Feb 2015.

Marshall, Peter. Essay on TV adaptation of Wolf Hall, for OUP blog: http://blog.oup.com/2015/02/wolf-hall-history 28 Feb 2015.

Marshall, Peter. In discussion with Prof. Sir Diarmaid MacCulloch at the Oxford Literary Festival, 24 Mar 2015.

Marshall, Peter. In discussion with Prof. Sir Diarmaid MacCulloch at the Oxford Literary Festival 16-18 September, 2014.

Marshall, Peter. Public lecture, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Harbour Centre); faculty seminar, SFU, Burnaby, 16-18 September, 2014.

Marshall, Peter. Seminar paper at John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester, 7 Nov. 2014.

Masse, Isabelle. “Imitation, Mediation, Conversion: The Cross-European Mobility of Queenly Portraiture in the Enlightenment.” Early Modern Cross-Cultural Conversions Summer Seminar, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, July 2015.

McCracken, Peggy. “Metamorphosis and Conversion: Becoming Stag in the Ovide moralisé,” keynote lecture at “Transforming Bodies,” Cornell University, April 2017.

McDermott, Ryan. “St. Margaret Clitherow’s Hand: A Case Study in the Incorruptibility of Modernity.” Duke CMRS“ Conversions” Lecture Series, Oct. 21, 2016.

Morgan, John. ‘Water into warths’, The Politics of Conversion, University of Warwick, 21-22 July 2015.

Motuz, Catherine. “Acting Natural: Rhetoric and Authenticity Cantatas of J.S. Bach.” Festival Baroque Montréal, 21 June 2014.

Motuz, Catherine. “Flocking Behaviour in Sixteenth-Century Singers.” Festival Baroque Montréal, June 22 2014.

Mullaney, Steven. “Author Meets Critics,” invited participation in session devoted to The Reformation of Emotions in the Age of Shakespeare at “Moving Minds: Converting Cognition and Emotion in History,” an international conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney AU, March 2-4 2016.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy.” Talk delivered at the University of Notre Dame, March 2016.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Shakespearean Tragedy.” Talk delivered at Washington College, September 2015.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Reformations of Emotions.” Reading at Literati Bookshop, September 2015.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Reformation of Emotions in the Age of Shakespeare.” Author’s Forum at University of Michigan, April 2016.

Mullaney, Steven. “Theatre and Conversion in Early Modern Europe,” Spring Research Seminar co-directed with Paul Yachnin at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor May 3-24 2016.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Conversion of the Jews: Embodied Memory in London, 1232-1607.” Talk delivered at SAA, March 2015.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Politics of Attention in Merchant of Venice.” Talk delivered at “Conversions Workshop,” University of Warwick, July 2015.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Conversion of the Jews: Embodied Memory on Chancery Lane, 1232-2011.” Talk delivered at “Theatres of Conversion: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses,” Toronto 24-25 October, 2014.

Mullaney, Steven. “The Conversion of the Jews: Embodied Memory on Chancery Lane, 1232-2011,” delivered at Colloquium on Conversion Narrative, University of York, UK June, 2014.

Mullaney, Steven and Paul Yachnin (co-directors). “Theatre and Conversion in Early Modern Europe” Spring Research Seminar. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 3 – 24 May 2016.

Napper, Susie, the Montreal Baroque Festival, and members of the IPLAI team (Stephen Wittek, Paul Yachnin, and Anna Lewton-Brain). Tempest in a Teapot/ Tempête dans un verre d’eau, The Montreal Baroque Festival, 2016.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Blame Not Our Author & Instruments of Conversion.” Narrative Conversions workshop, York, UK, 2 June 2014.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Instruments of Conversion.” Early Modern Conversions Project Team Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 25 May 2016.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Instruments of Conversion: Compass, Rule and Analysis.” Early Modern Conversions team meeting, McGill University, 21 August 2014.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Robert Hooke as Mathematical Collector, Reader, and Annotator.” Mathematical Readers in the Early Modern World Workshop, All Souls College, University of Oxford, 19 December 2014.

Nasifoglu, Yelda. “Robert Hooke’s Bedlam: Air and Lunacy in 17th-century London.” Theatres of Conversion Workshop: Early Modern Cities, Courts, and Playhouses, Toronto, 25 October 2014.

Nasifoglu, Yelda (convenor). “The Early Modern World: Works in Progress” seminar series, IPLAI, McGill University, Winter and Fall 2014, Fall 2015, and Winter 2016.

Nygren, Catherine. “Text Mining British Travel Literature (1600-1830).” Work in Progress for McGill Digital Humanities series, McGill University, 30 March 2015.

Nygren, Catherine, and Stephen Wittek. “Introducing DREaM.” (Invited) Talk at Early Modern Symposium, University of Michigan, 24 May 2016.

Parker, Eric. “‘Hidden Virtues of the Supreme Unity’: The Moral Theology of Peter Sterry (†1672)”. Presented at the Conversions Team Meeting, Ann Arbor, 25-27 May 2016.

Piana, Marco. “These Devils Can Dance: A Critical Reading of Dante’s Inferno, Cantos XXI-XXII.” Lecture presented at the annual Cabaret littéraire europeen. Montreal, Quebec, 22 April 2016.

Pratt, Chelsea and Paul Yachnin. Consulted for Paul Hopkins and the Repercussion Theatre company on their production of Harry the King, Montreal, July-August 2014.

Reinhardt, Nicole. “Merit, Sin, and Politics in Early Modern Casuistry: A Discussion with Nichole Reinhardt, Author of Voices of Conscience: Royal Confessors and Political Counsel in Seventeenth-Century Spain and France” (Oxford University Press, 2016).

Risler, Alexis. Notes de programme, présentation préconcert pour Festival Montréal Baroque, 19 au 22 juin 2014.

Risler, Alexis and Zoey Cochrane. “Resveillez vous: chantons l’air.” Presented at Festival Montréal Baroque, Montréal, 28 June 2015.

Risler, Alexis and Anna Lewton-Brain, Zoey Cochrane, Catherine Bahn, Catherine Motuz. “What Difference Does Music Make? William Lawes’s setting of When death shall snatch us from these kids.” Presented at the EMC annual meeting, Cambridge, 26 July 2015.

Risler, Alexis. “Le passage du vocal à l’instrumental : le stretto fuga dans les fantaisies pour luth d’Albert de Rippe.” First prize at the contest Présence de la musique of the SQRM, 11 November 2015.

Rubright, Marjorie and Joey Gamble (Michigan). Keywords for Conversion, Workshop Co-Organizers, Early Modern Conversions Team Meeting, Montreal, August 2017.

Rubright, Marjorie. ‘“A conjunction in time long past’: Language and Earth in The Renaissance.” Invited lecture. Early Modern Colloquium Speaker Series. Northwestern University, Evanston IL, 4 May 2017.

Rubright, Marjorie. Ovid’s “Iphis and Ianthe” and its Medieval and Early Modern Transversions. Workshop participant. Cornell University, April 2017.

Rubright, Marjorie. “Terrestrial Shakespeare.” Seminar Leader. Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 2017.

Rubright, Marjorie. The Changeling: Conversion and Desire. Participant. A workshop-performance orchestrated in collaboration with the School of Performance at Ryerson University, the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, and the Early Modern Conversions Project, McGill University, March 2017.

Rubright, Marjorie. Folger Institute Faculty Seminar, “Visualizing English Print.” Seminar Participant. The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C., December 2016.

Rubright, Marjorie. “‘A conjunction in time long past’: Language and Earth in The Renaissance.” Invited lecture for the ‘Year of Conversion’. Institute for the Humanities, Lecture Series. University of Michigan, February 2016.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Coin, Candle, China, Skull: Objects of Conversion.” Panel presentation at the Festival Montréal Baroque (theme: “Earth ÉTHER et Terre”), June 2015, Montreal.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Conjuring Clay: Alchemy and the Transmutation of the Early Modern World.” Public lecture delivered at the Festival Montréal Baroque (theme: “Earth ÉTHER et Terre”), June 2015, Montreal.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Iconic Circuits, Trans-mediations, Stereotypes, and Clichés: Why Do Forms of Exotic Knowledge Persist for So Long?” Presented at the Leiden University Institute for History (Cosmopolis: Colonial and Global History), May 2013.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Inventing Exoticism.” Public lecture and book signing, University Bookstore (series: ‘Reading Allowed’), Seattle, May 2015.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Inventing Exoticism.” Podcast interview for New Books in Science, Technology, and Society (interviewed by Carla Nappi), posted May 19, 2015.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “The Invention of the Exotic and the Lure of History:  An Intersecting Narrative.”  Seminar presentation to the Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Program Graduate Seminar, Brown University, April 2014.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Maps and Meaning in the Early Modern World.” Lecture (master class) presented at Brown University (“Maps and Empires” seminar, John Carter Brown Library), Providence, RI, January 2017.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Me and Marty [um, Scorsese]: The Cinematic Drama of Apostasy.” Master class presented for the One Asia Forum (‘International Relations in Premodern East Asia’), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, October 2016.

Schmidt, Benjamin. “Material/Conversion: Global Objects in Motion and Transformation.” An international, interdisciplinary mini-workshop exploring visual studies, material culture, and global exchange in the early modern period. Co-organized with Bronwen Wilson, Head of School, School of Art History and World Art Studies, University of East Anglia, UK; and held at the University of British Columbia in collaboration with the Department of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory, and Green College, UBC; Vancouver, September 2014.

Scott, Braden, L. “Up and Coming: Architecture and Erotics in Kent Monkman’s Cinematic World.” Paper presented at the Conférences Hypothèses hosted by the Montréal Museum of Fine Art, Montréal, QC, December 2016.

Sinclaire, Stefan. “CWRC & Voyant Tools: Text Repository Meets Text Analysis” (with Susan Brown and Geoffrey Rockwll), July 12, 2016, a workshop that showcased DREaM as a bridge between TCP-EEBO and a text analysis suite.

Sinclair, Stefan. “Voyant Tools For Text Analysis,” DHSI@Congress, Ottawa, Canada, May 30, 2015, workshop led by Stéfan Sinclair where participants were introduced to DREaM and experimented with it.

Sinclair, Stefan. “Voyant Tools 2.0: The New, The Neat & the Gnarly,” Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, Australia, June 30, 2015, workshop led by Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell where participants were introduced to DREaM and experimented with it.

Smith, Helen. Gender and Conversion Roundtable, Early Modern Conversions annual meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H. “François Bernier and Dara Shukoh, Delhi, 1666: A Case Study in Global Connected History of Philosophy.” Southeastern Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. March, 2017.

Smith, Justin E. H. “Leibniz: Nation und Natur.” Herrenhäuser Konferenzen der VW- Stiftung (broadcast on NDR), Hanover, Germany. 26 April, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H. “Who Is a Philosopher? Historical, Anthropological, and Cognitive Dimensions of a Vaguely Defined Vocation.” Keynote Lecture, Conference on Cognition and Emotions in History, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 3 March, 2016.

Smith, Justin E. H. Pierre Bayle Annual Lecture, Pierre Bayle Stichting, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 26 November, 2015.

Smith, Justin E. H. “The History of Philosophy in Six Types.” Keynote Lecture, “‘History of Failed Synthesis’: Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy, University of Turin, Italy. 12-13 November, 2015.

Smith, Justin E. H. “Philosophy as a Way of Life: Not Only for the Ancients.” Sydney Ideas Lecture Series, University of Sydney, Australia. 29 August, 2015.

Spiess, Stephen. Research Seminarian: Theatre and Conversion in Early Modern Europe. Ann Arbor, MI.  April-May 2016.

Sutton, John. “Observer Memory: interview with John Sutton.” Imperfect Cognitions. Interview by Ema Sullivan-Bissett. 2015.

Sutton, John. Amanda Barnier, John Sutton, and Misia Temler. “Total Recall: Truth, Memory, and the Trial of Oscar Pistorius.” The Conversation, 11 April, 2014.

Sutton, John. (2014) ‘Collaborative Recall and Distributed Cognitive Ecologies’,CoCo (Computer-Supported Learning & Cognition) seminar series, University of Sydney, Wed Oct 29, 2014

Sutton, John. “Distorted Memory: Interview with John Sutton.” Imperfect Cognitions. Interview by Ema Sullivan-Bissett. 2014.

Sutton, John. Quoted in Sydney Morning Herald article “Shutter Bugs,” February 22, 2014.

Tate, Rob, and Joanna Murdoch, discussion leaders. “Conversion and Desire: Discussion of Alasdair MacIntyre, Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (Cambridge University Press, 2016).” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, Feb. 7, 2017.

Tate, Rob, and Joanna Murdoch, discussion leaders. “A Conversation with Duke Faculty Members on the Place of Conversion in Their Work: Sarah Beckwith (English, CMRS), Luke Bretherton (Divinity, Ethics), Laura Lieber (German/Judaic Studies), Mark Chaves (Sociology/Religious Studies/Divinity), Martin Eisner (Romance Studies/CMRS).” Joint Meeting of the Duke Conversions Working Group, Kenan Ethics, and Council for European Studies, Dec. 8, 2016.

Tate, Rob, and Joanna Murdoch, discussion leaders. “‘Kingdoms of God’: Discussion of Kevin Hart, Kingdoms of God” (Indiana University Press, 2014). Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, Sept. 27, 2016.

Tate, Rob, and Joanna Murdoch, discussion leaders. “Readings on St. Margaret Clitherow’s Hand: A Case Study in the Incorruptibility of Modernity.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, Oct. 18, 2016.

Tate, Rob, and Joanna Murdoch, discussion leaders. “Translation as/and Conversion: Discussion of Selections from Translation: Theory and Practice: A Historical Reader, ed. Ástráður Eysteinsson and Daniel Weissbort (Oxford University Press, 2006).” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group, Duke University, Nov. 15, 2016.

Traub, Valerie. Interviewee. “Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns.” University of Michigan Authors. Forum. 2017.

Traub, Valerie. “(Ab)normal: A Prehistory,” Keynote. The Abnormal Renaissance Conference, Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2016.

Traub, Valerie. Organizer of Symposium on “Iphis & Ianthe, Lyly’s Galatea, & Benserade’s Iphis et Ianthe,” scheduled for January, 2016 at U of Michigan.

Traub, Valerie. “Anatomy, Cartography, and the New World Body.” Distinguished Fellow Public Lecture, Huntington Library, May 2014.

Traub, Valerie. “Mapping Embodiment in the Early Modern West: Shakespeare and Degrees of Difference.” UCLA, April 2014.

Tribble, E. World Shakespeare Congress seminar on “The Idea of the Actor” (co-leader with Lois Potter), 3 August 2016.

Tribble, E. Co-organiser, “Moving Minds: Cognition and Emotion in History,” 1-4 March 2016, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Tribble, E. Organiser, “Memory and Skill Across Time,” 6-9 December 2015.

Tribble, E. “Why Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare, and Why it Matters,” public lectures 13 July (Wellington) and 14 August (Auckland)

Tribble, E. “There’s No Mentality to It: Thinking and the Arts of Acting.” Keynote address for the Australian Association for Theatre, Drama, and Performance Studies (ASDA), Sydney. 24 July 2015.

Tribble, E. “Memory and Early Modern Techniques of the Body,” A keynote address for the “Memory Day” colloquium, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, 3 December 2014.

Tribble, E. “Interdisciplinarity: Some Practical Guidelines,” Workshop for post-graduates. Australia-New Zealand Shakespeare Association, Toowoomba, Australia,
1 October 2014.

Tribble, Evelyn. “Mindful Bodies: Tools of Transformation in Early Modern England.” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 April 2014.

Tribble, E. “Kinesic Intelligence and Gait on the Early Modern Stage.” Invited speaker at the “Renaissance Kinesis: Movement in Literature” colloquium, 25-27 September 2014, at Clare College, Cambridge.

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Rembrandt, Calvinism and Dutch Painting: The Art of Evasion.” Rembrandt in Canada. Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Queen’s University. Kingston. Nov. 2016. 

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Mapping Angels,” Concordia University Undergraduate Art History Conference: “Art, the Sacred, and the Profane,” Feb. 2016.

Vanhaelen, Angela. “The Art of Evasion: Calvinism, Iconoclasm, and 17th-century Dutch Realism,” Protestantism and Aesthetics, Committee for the Study of Religion, CUNY Graduate Center, April 2015.

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Secrets of the Labyrinth: Automata in Early Modern Amsterdam,” guest speaker; and “The Moving Image,” seminar leader, University of California Irvine Group for the Study of Early Cultures (supported by the University of California Humanities Research Institute, UC Irvine Departments of History, Art History, English, European Languages and Literatures, and Comparative Literature), Feb. 26 & 27, 2015

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Vermeer’s Public Sphere,” Media@McGill panel, “Long Eighteenth-Century Public Spheres,” Nov. 2015.

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Mapping Angels: Cartography and Globalization in early modern Amsterdam,” Le Séminaire des Nouveaux Modernes, Montreal, Nov. 2015.

Vanhaelen, Angela. “Mapping Angels,” Early Modern Conversions team meeting Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), Cambridge, July 2015.

Vessey, Mark. “Career, Conversion, Period: Revolving Augustine’s Confessions over the longue durée.” “Think-piece” for workshop on “Conversion as Periodization.” EMC Team Meeting. McGill University, 24 August, 2017.

Vessey, Mark. “Conversion d’Augustin ou réécriture de l’Empire romain.” Graduate seminar on Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. University of Limoges. January 2016.

Vessey, Mark. “Writing before Literature: Later Latin Scriptures and the Memory of Rome.” Bristol Blackwell Lectures under the auspices of the Institute for Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition at Bristol University, May 2013.

Wetzel, James. “Devil’s Due: The Logic of Conversion in Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy.” Lecture presented for the series “Conversions: Medieval and Modern.” Duke University, 20 March 2015.

Ward, Jessica D. “‘Mi fader, this ensample is hard’: The Multidialogic Grammar of Avarice in John Gower’s Confessio Amantis.” Conversions: Medieval and Modern Working Group. Duke University, April 4, 2017.

Weiss, Rachel Daphne. “Early Modern Conversion Machines.” Art History 222A. UCLA. Art History Department Brownen Wilson. Fall 2016.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Blindness, Uncertainty, Sensation.” Keynote, University of Oregon, AHA Symposium, The Senses, April 14.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Blindness, Uncertainty, Sensation.” Patricia McCarron McGinn Talk, UCLA, March 7.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Early Modern Isolarii and the Horizons of Public Making.” Leeds University, 23 April 2013.

Wilson, Bronwen. Early Modern Print Culture and the Islamic World Workshop
Getty Research Institute, June 2-4, 2016.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Human and Animal Conversions, c. 1600.” Yale University, Medieval and Renaissance Seminar, April 1, 2014; Exeter University, January 15, 2014; Oxford University, 24 October 2013.

Wilson, Bronwen. “The Itinerant Artist and the Islamic Urban Prospect: Joseph-Guillaume Grélot’s Self-portraits in Ambrosio Bembo’s Travel Journal,” Early Modern Cosmopolitanisms, Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, January 11, 2017.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Maps and Melchior Lorck’s Prospect of Constantinople.” Cambridge University, 22 January 2014.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Moving Pictures: Inscription and the Horizon in Early Modern Mediterranean Travel Imagery.” Martindale Lecture, University of East Anglia, November 26, 2013.

Wilson, Bronwen. “Moving Pictures: Inscription, the Horizon and Melchior Lorck’s Prospect of Constantinople.” Keynote for: The Mobile Spectator: viewing on the move, Nottingham University, 4-5 July 2014.

Wilson, Bronwen. Vanitas Vanitatum: Disillusionment in Baroque Art, History, and Literature Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, March 30-April 1, 2017.

Wittek, Stephen. “I Have a DREaM.” Early Modern Conversions 2014 Team Meeting, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge, 24 August 2015.

Wittek, Stephen. “Introducing DREaM.” Early Modern Conversions 2014 Team Meeting, McGill University, 22 August 2014.

Wittek, Stephen. “Toward a Theory of Conversion.” Early Modern Conversions 2014 Team Meeting, McGill University, 22 August 2014.

Wittek, Stephen. “Digital Humanities and Early Modern Conversions.” Digital Humanities Work in Progress Series, McGill University, 24 September 2014.

Wittek, Stephen. “Paul’s Cross and the Media Ecology of Early Modern London.” Dawson College Humanities Symposium, Dawson College, 22 October 2014.

Wittek, Stephen. “Macroanalysis and Early Modern Print Culture.” Invited talk at St. Mary’s University, January 2014.

Wittek, Stephen. ‘The Theatre of News.’ Ideas from the Trenches, CBC. Interview with Tom Howell and Nicola Luksic. Original broadcast 23 June 2014.

Yachnin, Paul. “Listening and Conversion in Shakespeare’s The Tempest,” Festival Baroque Montréal, 21 June 2014.

Yachnin, Paul, Torrance Kirby and Colm Feore, “Souls under Pressure.” Stratford Forum, Stratford (ON) Shakespeare Festival, 17 August 2014.

Zecher, Carla. “Conversion and the Ear: Early Modern European Travelers Listen to the Islamic Call to Prayer.” Politics of Conversion Workshop Part II, 6-7 June 2016, McGill University, Montreal.

Zecher, Carla. “Converting the Ear: Sixteenth-Century Christian Travellers ‘Discover’ the Muslim Call to Prayer” Green College, University of British Columbia. January 12, 2015.

Zecher, Carla. “Music, Travel, and the Renaissance Ear,” public talk, Fifteenth Montreal Baroque Festival, June 2017.

Zeeman, Nicolette. “Conversion by Debate: The Challenge of Lay Multiplicity.” Lecture presented for the series “Conversions: Medieval and Modern.” Duke University, 27 February 2015.

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